Kindly soul asked me at church one Sunday.
He was, of course, speaking about my blog.
"Why would anyone want to do that,
Put pictures of their life
And talk about it on the internet
For all the world to see?"
Was his exact question - - -
It gave me pause for thought.
Why do I WANT to???
Others answer this question
In a variety of ways - - -
Some blogs TEACH
Some blogs PREACH
Some blogs are a PLATFORM
Some blogs SELL
If any of that happens on this blog,
It is purely accidental.
You forgot the picture of you in my recent blog.. it's classic. it should be added here. =)
you know.. right click.. save.. upload. ;)
i laughed out loud and this whole blog! those pictures made me so happy! :)
i for one can't imagine life without keetha's blog! maybe some day MY blog will be that cool!!!!!!!
Oh Jewel, don't ya thing ONE cyber posting for the entire UNIVERSE to see of that picture is quite enough???
Haley - - - your blog ALREADY IS as cool as mine. I LOVE IT!!!! I'm so glad you got inspired to start one.
Well said, my friend Keetha. I couldn't have said it better myself. And BTW- YOu always make me smile! ALWAYS!
I probably would have punched that guy in the FACE!!!
Ok...maybe not! :) I kid.
But now I'm going to go to Jewel's blog and find out what this picture is!!!
AWESOME! I am so glad you do blog!
♥ Hugs :)
... and your community loves you too!
PLUS, you allow the "reserved" ones in your community to live vicariously through your gregarious personality. (and we thank you)
Thank you all for the kind comments!!!!
I am glad you blog because when my daughter Deven talks about you (always good stuff, of course)
I feel I know you better.
You are funny and I do enjoy reading your blog.
Have a wonderful day.
pscole3467 at gmail dot com
I love this post and the fact that you blog! I wouldn't have found you as a "bloggy" friend if it wouldn't have been for blogging.
Love your blog-it always makes me smile!
BTW: I was trying to get Craig to sign up for FB the other night he said he will sign up when you do. I suppose he'll start watching "The Office" when you do too!
OMGoodness, I was laughing hysterically. You are just so sweet. The pictures you posted were so wonderful and funny and great and full of JOY!
It's been such a pleasure to get to know you & to have you as a regular on my blog, too.
I blog because I don't have a job - well, I'm un-hire-able! I've worked for myself too long and I don't do well with corporate rules LOL (Just kidding - sort of) I blog because I love to chat with people.
I started blogging to keep friends and family updated on wedding plans. I never thought about meeting new friends, but that's what happened. And that's what makes it fun! Now, off to find this mystery picture. :)
I found it! I found it! And weren't you an 80s cutie. :)
It's so cool that we ALL love blogging and for almost the SAME reason - - - EACH OTHER!!!
Erin, thanks so much for saying I was an 80's cutie, I was certainly a LOT thinner then - - -
awww thanks keetha! if my blog has the "other mom" seal of approval i know it's good! :) and i'm glad you and keri inspired me to start a blog! it's so fun!!!!!
I'll have to pass this along to my cousin who asked me why I would put my entire life out there! Although, I must admit that sometimes I preach :), I never teach....I can't do any of that other stuff either, and besides this is fun!
The real bonus is that if something needs praying about, you immediately have tons of people praying....love it!!!
Great post! Thanks for the smile sugar plum! My hubby says he is the oldpoop like the tag says! LOl!
Minpin- - - I saw that "OldPoop" tag in the parking lot of a retirement apartment complex in Marshfield, WI. I LOVED it.
Great reasons, all. And, btw...I'm glad you do!
The essence of blogging right there! So glad that I've found you, Friend!
Oh, Keeps. I think your blogging obsession is fabulous. Rock on, sister-friend.
Oh my - - - all my bloggy friends are gettin' rowdy tonight!!! By that I mean - - - you are all making me feel SOOOOOO good with your positive feedback!!!
I too am so glad you have a blog!!! I enjoy your thots, and crazy zest for life! I have been blessed to make a new friend, a love you for it!!!!You are a REAL person and and you LIVE life! You go girlfriend!!!
You mean I'm NOT a Velveteen Rabbit?????
Hi Keetha,
I think perhaps you ARE the Velveteen Rabbit, quite real and well-loved, only with less of your fuzz worn off.
You blog (as Paula Deen says about using butter) because you CAN!
And don't stop. OK? Keep on blogging!
You could run for President and win with all of your blog fans.
LOL Angie - - -you are a tad biased.
And I'm glad you do!
I just love all your pictures!!
me too! ditto! exactly! great post and terrific pictures. It was a terrific way to get goint this morning!
My goodness,where have I been?Yep,i love blogging too.for all the reasons you said...ann
I love that you blog!!!
And you are just the cutest ever!
This MAY be THE FUNNIEST blog post I have ever read!
Wooo to the Whooo Allison!!! Thanks so much!!!
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