("Bucking" is a pun - - - get it? OK, then I'll tell you, our Badger mascot's name is Bucky)

You haven't heard me mention "it" all week, because frankly I couldn't STAND to think about it, much less TALK about it.
The next little bit of this post you may not "get" - - - unless your blood runs the color of YOUR college football team. That's OK, if you don't "get it" that is all the more reason you need to keep reading so YOU will know how to help YOUR friends who may go through, any weekend, what I'm going through now.

This is NOT the time for friends, who don't "GET" college ball, to TEASE you.
They are likely to get a punch in the nose if they try.
This is the time for those who love you to stand quietly by your side, give you space to grieve, and offer a sad and understanding look from time to time. A gentle pat on the shoulder or back may be acceptable. Better yet would be if they brought a box of tissues and broke down and cried WITH you.
I know a FEW of you out there know what I'm talking about - - - - Leigh? Dust Bunny? KBeau??? Can I get a witness???
But in college football after a devastating unwin, there is only ONE week to recuperate and get ready for the NEXT big game.
In our case, that big game means we have to go into the Horse Shoe in Columbus to meet another Big Ten traditional power, Ohio State.
True, the Buckeyes haven't been very good this fall - - - but there's just something about those in conference power match-ups that leaves one holding their breath, crossing their toes, and biting off their fingernails.
I am doing all I know to help "my boys" pull out a big "W" in Columbus. And I started early.
Saturday night as I watch the game I plan to be wearing all Badger clothing, including PJ bottoms and my infamous Badger sweatshirt which has pulled us through to MANY a victory.
I even plan to pull out my red and white "Bucky" socks which Annie knitted for me last fall.
This is all I can do to help - - - so I will do it all.
While I am a Badger's fan, Diane is an artist. She could care LESS about football.
But, being a true friend she cares about ME and chose this very week - - - a week where she KNEW I'd be devastated (she said she saw the end of our game and said, "Keetha will be devastated!") to send me just the RIGHT thing.
Diane not only THOUGHT of me, she MADE this for me and sent it in time to be used during football season.
Thank you sooooooo much, Diane!
Perhaps that was the FIRST smile on my face all week - - - who knows!
And, should the unthinkable thing happen again tomorrow, despite all my best efforts to elicit a victory, just quietly pat my blog in a very sympathetic manner as you pass by this way next week.