Jayden is now four months old.
He made his appearance
In this big old world
Two months early,
So he has been very busy
Just trying to get big
Enough to survive outside the NICU.
It looks like he will be going home,
With the help of several machines,
On Saturday.
oh wow, he's just so gosh darn cute! i LOVE babies! i can't wait for more babies in my family :)
and kamma keetha, if ever have kids (Lord willing) are you gonna rock them and put them to sleep for me too when all the crying and not sleeping is just too much for me to handle??
and my word verification is meter! i LOVE when they are actual words! lol!!!!!!!
Oh how precious! You are so in your element!!
Aaawww, his mommy and daddy have waited a long time to take such an adorable little boy home! What a great Kamma, they are the best!!!
Kamma Keetha, thanks for coming to visit me! I loved meeting you. You have the magic touch! Love, Jayden
I am so glad that Jayden is going home soon. Praying a blessing over that family!!
Awww, Keetha! He is adorable! You do a good job....but I seriously doubt what you say about your students. You are to much fun!
Sweet little Jayden. I will pray for him. What a little miracle fighter.
What a cutie pie and welcome him home for me. You have such a lovely smile.
Don't worry about your comment question. That must have been the longest post I've ever done, so don't expect anyone to read it all. LOL
he's soo cute!
What a darling baby and precious family! How wonderful Jayden will be going home. Prayers for all!
What an angel...Ann
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