Sunday Favorites are RERUNS, not current posts - - - if you want to participate, just repost something you previously posted "back in the day."
Thanks so much to Chari over at Happy to Design for hosting this meme. You may click on the link to find the rules and see more favorite posts.
Today I am reposting what I posted on the evening of my mother's memorial service.
Don't be surprised that you see joy on our faces. When one knows where their loved one has gone, and especially if that loved one suffered greatly in this world, one can experience joy at their passing.
Such was the case, on both counts, of my mother.
And Then There Were Three
(first posted on 8/28/08)
(first posted on 8/28/08)
Today we gathered to celebrate mom's life. Mom was one of nine children and dad is one of thirteen. That means there were A LOT of us. As the family processed into the sanctuary it seemed like it took a LONG time - - - which it did. And actually, those there represented only a smattering of both sides of the family.
I will have more pictures to post later, but for tonight let me just share a few.

(By the way, Rich's wife, Darla, was homecoming queen at IWU back in the day!!!)

Tomorrow morning Dad, Pam, and I set out for Wisconsin, the final leg of mom's journey on this Earth. (She will be interred there.)
I will take lappy and post along the way - - -