My favorite things to Leigh's
"Thrifty Thursday" Party.
My focus today is on several of my
Favorite pieces of furniture.
Some of these were truly thrifty
(free to me thrifty)
Others - - - not so much.
Hope you enjoy,
Leave me a comment so I'll know you were here,
And come back and visit often!!!

I don't know anything about it's history
Except that it came to me FREE
About 32 years ago
When it was cleared out of
A Boy Scout Club House.
And I didn't even HAVE a Boy Scout!!!!

I'd been looking for just the "right thing"
For a corner in my family room.
I walked into the antique mall one day
And this dresser jumped up
And SCREAMED my name.
I wrote a check on the spot
And brought it home.
Perhaps you will think me CRAZY
To place a DRESSER in the family room.
Well, crazy I am
For I LOVE it there.

My friend, Vangie, had this dressing table
In her antique booth.
It was love at first sight - - -
And the love only deepened to PURCHASE status
When she told me the story:
This dressing table was
Hand made in the late 1800's in shop class,
By a young man for his sister,
Right here in Marion Indiana.
Vangie knew all the names involved,
I have forgotten them,
But NOT their story.
The two side mirrors can tip
In so the lovely sister could
View the back of her hair!
I use it as a sidebar in my dining room - - -
Which just happens to be
My favorite room in the house,
But I'll post more about THAT later.

When I was a mere toddler,
My Grandpa Butcher made a little stool
Quite similar to this
To put in my chair at the table
In the dining room at Family Camp - - -
Sort of an original booster seat.
Years later when I was speaking
At that camp,
I FOUND my little stool!
I know it was my exact stool
Because my name was
Written in pencil in my Grandpa's hand,
Underneath the seat.
Foolishly, I thought it belonged to the camp
And left it there.
A few years later when I wasn't there,
They SOLD that camp - - -
And I'm sure MY little stool went with it,
At least I NEVER saw it again.
So, when I saw THIS stool in an Antique shop
To me it was priceless.
I coughed up the money
And thought it was quite a thrifty deal!!!
I'm so sorry you don't have your original stool. Thanks for visiting my blog. BTW, the girl on the pig is me. My aunt did the painting from a picture of me when I was about three.
I have the same school desk. My mother purchased 2 of them when my brother and I were small-at an antique store or garage sale? I have one of them next to my front door for keys, mail and such. She still has the other.
I love antiques, too!
Keetha- I am sooooo sooooo saddened about your stool. Shoot, I wish you would've asked. I am certina they would've given it to you. No doubt. Could you go back to who bougt and see? So sad. But I adore your stool.
I love that vanity with it's story. LOVE that!
I love the curve and wood of the dresser. Beautiful. I would so put a dresser in my dining room. I had one in my kitchen, I would put one in my bath if it were big enough (the room).
The school desk...you NEEDED that. I LOVE that. My grandma had one similar. When she passed away, I wanted to take it, but didnt. It was sold in the estate sale. Shoulda woulda coulda. I can relate to your stool.
GREAT things in this post, Keetha! I love visiting you. I left you a comment to your comment in my comments. Did you get all that?
Have a great day tomorrow.
Hi Keetha...I always have fun looking at the pictures of your things. I think we have the same taste. I have a school desk like that in my kitchen eating area. And I have a dresser similar to yours in my dining room. I liked the pictures of your cups a while back too. I have a collection of old German cups and saucers. I love old things. They remind me of my grandma and all the other people her age that were so dear to me. Thanks for sharing all your special things. I'm looking forward to seeing your dining room pictures! Gwen from the Northwoods
I had a school chair, too! we used it as a telephone nook, when we had a corded phone LOL Yours is lovely.
I have a dresser in my livingroom right now LOL Yours are gorgeous!
Have your friend write the names of the people in pencil on the bottom of the furniture - or write it on archival paper and staple it to the bottom. I had a dresser that a little 9 year old girl wrote all of the names of her family on the back of a mirror and then told a story about her sister being mean to her, so she was sitting behind the dresser pouting LOL (Pouting with a pencil!)
I keep forgetting to mention - My husband's family own Byrd's Lumber in Marion, IN. Or it may be called Lumbertown - I can't remember if it changed names or not.
Oh!!! So many nice comments already and it's only 2:19 in the morning!!! Don't you girls sleep?
KBeau - Now I love that painting EVEN MORE!!!
Headless and Leigh - what would I do without you two? You are my MOST FREQUENT FLIERS except my own daughter!!!
Gwen - I always love your comments on my blog. I have a feeling you "sneak" in and out of here much more often than I know.
Kirby - you said you HAD a school desk, what happened to it? And about Byrd's lumber - - - I'm not familiar with that, not being in the market much for lumber, but I WILL check it out! I do know where ONE lumbaryard is - - - but I THOUGHT it was called Carter's.
I was going to tell you,I went over to Leighs and she wasn't going to post it until (9:00.I don't stay up that long,ha.
What's with our men?haYep we have I think all the colors,vintage and new.But not-----all the pieces.Fot instance in the purple we only have a pitcher.We haven't added to our collection in 2 yrs.We just kinda stopped.I guess it's time to start again,huh/.Great pieces here,I want a wash stqand myself..Ann
I love your antique pieces Keetha, so beautiful, and you can see they are well cared for!!!Thanks for sharingpics, I really enjoyed them! I loved the little stool and the dresser story, be still my beating heart! I need to read that story to my 2 oldest kiddos to show them how a brother loved and appreciated his sister so much...LOL
I'm SO loving the stool, and now I have to find one for my little girl! She'd really enjoy getting to sit at the grown ups table instead of in her high chair.
Love the antiques. The dresser with the mirrors is really beautiful.
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Oh my, we do have twin hair! LOL I LOVE the dressing table! I.want.one! LOL And what a neat story behind your stool! I just love thrifty finds.
No wonder I never remember a house without that desk! hehe :)
Mom what a sad story about your stool!! Why in the world would it have been the camp's when your NAME was written on it!! Silly woman.
What great stories! I love how things like that really speak to us and make a home, OUR HOME. Great post. :-)
OH ! How I LOVE all of your furniture pieces ! I intended to comment on your post with all of your teacups, etc., but you changed your post too quickly for me. (Yes, I've been "dragging" a bit, lately).
But, I have several teacups/saucers, antique flowered plates & bowls, a pink & white pitcher...all that look so similar to yours.
The thing I DON'T have is a pretty china buffet to display them in. :-(
I'm still waiting on Mr. DC to purchase that lovely piece for me. (sigh)
Maybe someday....
(Doug said he saw you on Sunday at Marsh).
Keri, the school desk was given to us before you were born I believe.
Thanks Keetha for your kind words.
Jackie - - - YES I did see Doug Sunday. BTW, it is NEVER too late to post comments, the posts are all still there - - -even when they go into the archives. I get an e-mail alert telling me I have a comment and on which post.
Keetha,you and I have GOT to stop meeting like this.haha.I guess you missed it.It's back on one of my first post. When only my close friends read it,the ones that knew Roo.Before he was a star,ha.
We were trying to paper train our dog.Little did we know Roo trained.The dog STILL hasn't.As you probably know by now,I also have an aviary with lots of birds.People are potty trainiing birds now.I'm afraid me and my birds are all too old to try.But Roo did it himself.He has his designated puppy paper....Ann
I love your furniture-I especially love that stool (but what a sad story!)
Oh my goodness, my Dad made me a nearly identical footstool in oak; it's called the "Pop Pop Stool" and has been used for everything from its original purpose -- feet! -- to being turned over on its back and used as a boat when my daughters were very small.
Now I use it to clamber into a big high 4-poster bed!
Wonderful blog! and I am so glad you found me. I love FREE too, it's my favorite price tag, and I've got plenty of it in That Old House!
Thanks for a lovely post!
I love all the antique pieces and the stories that go with them. Thanks for sharing.
Concerning your stool, is it possible to do some detective work and see if possibly you could track down YOUR stool? Afterall, it does have your name written on it! Wouldn't that be cool??!!
Ann - I'm SO glad to hear Roo is paper trained. Whew, what a relief!
Cass - Thank you for coming over to visit!!!
Nancy and all others who feel badly about my little stool - I'm going to make a special little post about where my original stool might be - - - JUST FOR YOU GUYS.
I LOVE that you don't feel that you have to keep certain pieces of furniture in specific rooms. Of course a dresser is perfect in a family room! My mother has the chest of drawers that would match your dresser in HER family room and a dining room sideboard in her bedroom. They are perfect!
I am so sorry about the little stool. That made me a bit sad. I think of all of the treasures that I had as a child and didn't KNOW that I would want them so much right now.
Have a great weekend Keetha!
Wow...furniture with stories. That's groovy.
The story behind most of my furniture is either "I bought it on discount at Marden's" or "somebody was throwing this out and I saved it".
The hubby and I are classy, we are.
Oh Miss Dust Bunny - - - you do such a great job of giving me permission to continue to be eclectic - - - and I find I do sometimes NEED that permission!!!
Groovy - - - I used to have plenty of your classy type furniture myself!!!! Some day I'm going to tell my antique cabinet story - - - it started OUT in that category.
Keetha honey, you better start buying that chocolate now.
My sewing machines SMOKE when I get going, especially the sergers. . . I used to make a dress for one of my girls while she was eating breakfast, and she could wear it to school that day!
So come Monday... better get ready to eat your weight in chocolate! And document it for your blog, too.
I'd recommend wearing elastic-waist pants....
Game on!
Cass - - - you literally made me LOL with this response to my comment over at your place!!!!
Keetha? Another Keetha? Wow! How about that! Oh, Keetha- please look for the stool!!!!!!!
(sniff, sniff)
Yes Leigh, ANOTHER Keetha. We've been visiting each other's blogs since before I met you - - - that's why I sometimes put "Indiana Keetha" like I did in your Mr. Linky list. You should visit her blog sometime, she's very fun too. In my links list she is "Alter Ego"
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