The other day his friends brought in a copy of a poem that Brandon had published in a collection of poems by high school students.
I was blown out of the water. Brandon captured so eloquently the poignant loss we each feel when we move from one home to another - - - one stage of life to the next.
Here, with his permission, is that poem.
Boxes upon boxes, piled as high as one can see
Filled with various items ---
Each and every one of them with an emotional attachment
With great sentimental value and importance
Being whisked away from their previous dwelling
Leaving nothing but a dusty outline where they used to be
Only to be placed in another location
While their owners go about as always
As if their first home never existed . . .
Life slowly abandons the quaint little house
Filled with precious memories of life and death
All of which will be forgotten in the flow of time ---
Until the next generation comes
Looking for a place for their boxes
A place for new memories to be born . . .
Boxes upon boxes, piled as high as one can see
Filled with various items ---
Each and every one of them with an emotional attachment
With great sentimental value and importance
Being whisked away from their previous dwelling
Leaving nothing but a dusty outline where they used to be
Only to be placed in another location
While their owners go about as always
As if their first home never existed . . .
Life slowly abandons the quaint little house
Filled with precious memories of life and death
All of which will be forgotten in the flow of time ---
Until the next generation comes
Looking for a place for their boxes
A place for new memories to be born . . .
There are furniture footprints in our carpet, but we are trying not to leave dust for the new owners! Brandon is your soul mate when it comes to feeling moves - very unusual for his age. I am not totally hardhearted - I have shed my share of tears during this process.
This is a touching, thought provoking poem. Thanks for sharing and brovo to the poet.
Wow Brandon! Wonder what the inspiration was...
PS: I like your elephants in the previous post. :]
<3 Jewel
Wow, that's quite a poem. Brandon is incredibly talented and has a huge heart, you can tell. I seriously wanted to cry. I have left behind several homes that I have loved.
What a special boy!
Oh, and I liked the EB post too. ;-)
Great poem. Unusual for a teenager...and a boy...to have that much insight!
I almost cried! Makes me miss my first little home.
WOW! Brandon....that is BEAUTIFUL!
I have shed my share of tears during this process.
Work from home India
That must be thanks to his 7th grade English teacher! Way to go Brandon!
Brandon is wise beyond his years. Thank you (and him!) for sharing!
You tell talented Brandon that I LOVED his incredible poem. What a thoughtful and insightful creation he penned---yes, he did capture the loss we feel in our lives.
Thank you for that wonderful share!
thanks to his 7th grade English teacher! Way to go Brandon!
kobe beef
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