Others have been showing vintage Christmas ornaments that they have collected over the years.
These too are vintage ornaments, but I didn't collect them - - - Fisherhubby and I bought them brand new in 1975 for our very first Christmas tree after we were married. They were bright red.
I am not particularly a crafty person. There have been several times in my life though, when I crossed over into that nebulous world. I showed you the result of one such trip a couple of days ago when I posted about my paper bag angel.
Well, in the November of 1977 when our oldest child was one year old I decided to try my hand at making cookie dough ornaments.
Here are my results:
Because I was so careful with them when I used to hang them on our tree, people began teasing me and saying my Christmas Tree was my "Idol Tree."
Our children and their friends DELIGHTED in trying to MOVE them from one branch to another without me guessing that they did it. I USUALLY knew - - - I had them hanging "just so" on that tree and when they moved them, they messed up my "balance," which I could spot in a skinny minute!
Years after the fact, Keri and her friend Angie confessed to me that in ONE of those "messing with my ornaments" moments, Angie actually BROKE a star. They quickly threw away the evidence and did their best to cover their "tracks" on the tree. I never suspected.
I haven't used either of these cookie ornament sets in my decorating for the last 7 or more years - - - but I wanted to show them to you so dug them out this year. After I got them out, I wanted to enjoy them - - -
To find and enjoy more vintage posts, please go visit Coloradolady.
Thank you for sharing these special family treasures...what lovely memories!
Have a wonderful Christmas,
My links:
You are adorable! I love it! Sigh, and Merry Christmas!
My husband misses our tree with just the shinny balls. I don't have any of them anymore, I did get rid of them. So now I have a small tree in his office with some glass balls on it just for him.
I've been collecting my ornaments
(Hallmark) since the 70's. We also have several handmade ones that we painted. I love the memories. Yours are wonderful.
I love your vintage ornaments! I have a bunch of cookie dough ornaments I made back in the '70s, too, but mine haven't held up as well as yours. Thanks for letting us have a look at them.
I just hope noone tries to eat them! :)
Oh, Keetha, those salt dough ornaments are just adorable! Isn't it amazing what we did when we had little ones crawling around our feet? Now, if I am watching someone's one-year-old, I am paralyzed with anxiety.
My grandmother said that's why God fixed it so you have children when you are young and stupid. Plus, there's that whole egg thing.
It's really late here -- my girls and I went out to dinner after choir rehearsal, then went LATE night shopping, so my eyes are crossing with fatigue -- at first I read "paper bag angels" as "paper bagels."
Then I tried to figure out how you MADE dessicant packets out of vitamins and new shoes. I guess I figured, hey, she's a science teacher -- she can do anything.
It's past my bed time; I better get to sleep before I do something really dopey. Anyway, I love the old glass balls from your honeymoon Christmases. Isn't it lovely to still be married to the same vintage guy? :-)
Merry Christmas!
All you ornaments are beautiful!! I have some of those "pink" ornaments somewhere around my house. They also are fading and cracked a little. Have a safe and happy holiday season!
Sherrie's Stuff
oh the patience!! everything looks lovely
Ho, ho, ho!
My advice to you, keep a watch out for the Rearranger. I can just see him changing everything around when he runs out of other mischief.
I love your dear old sentimental ornaments. We have a wooden bell painted black that one of the boys brought home from kindergarten. Plug ugly, but we can't have our tree without it.
Everything is lovely!
You did a great job decorating your ornaments and preserving them.
lovely xmas decoration.. thanks for sharing.. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
So glad you posted pix of your ornaments. I still have the ones you sent us. Brings back good memories.
Merry Christmas to all!! Wish we could be there.
You may not think you have a collection, but to me, you do. Further down the road these will have even a greater meaning for you. You did good. Take care and blessings to you and family.
Oh my!!!! I love your ornaments and that you still have them. I love,love the way you've displayed them. It's a special place of honor they deserve..everyone can see and enjoy them. They're beautiful. Happy VTT..have a most wonderous and blessed Christmas. May it be filled with everyone and everything you love.
I too have some "vintage' dough ornaments that I made years ago! The dessicant packets are a great idea.
my fav ornaments are the ones my kids made me by far
Oh how sweet! And I love how you have them displayed. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
Thanks for sharing the ornaments. I did the dough ornaments as well, and I also made some out of a dough mixture that was mostly cinnamon. None of mine lasted.
Well, I think you are quite crafty! Great job! And, how wonderful that you have kept them so nicely through the years!
Have a blessed day tomorrow...make some sweet memories!
i made a few dough ornaments years ago too..aren't they fun!! love your crackled baubles too btw..they look ssoo yummy! have a very Merry Christmas, Keetha x
Oh how I remember the salt dough! Everyone had salt dough thigies in their houses in the 70's! My mom had a big basket made of it on the dining room table, it was her pride and joy!
The "cookie" ornaments are so sweet! I love them hanging on the garland by the door!
I LOVE your pink crackled balls! And those childhood ornaments are the best. I was remunising over my childrens as I put their handmade ornaments away today.....
They really are adorable. I can't believe those stayed in one piece all these years -- you must have made them with Super Dough, and/or you are a very good packer-upper-putter-awayer...which I clearly am not!
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