I think due to the fact that the first things I posted about the Teacher's Convention were from the FIRST NIGHT - - - before the meetings began - - - that I erroneously gave SOME of you the impression that for "Jack" this convention was all play and no work.
Au contraire, mes amis - - - we served our due time in meetings soaking up knowledge.

This just happens to be mine with my spiffy red pen attached.

The speaker in the first general session was Dr. Wess Stafford, president of Compassion International, who shared his "heart for children" with us. I can't begin to tell you how moved I was as I heard the story of what happened to him in his childhood which is what the Lord has used in his life to give him a ministry as an advocate for children.

Man, those conferences are so tough - just suck the life right out of you, don't they.
Wish I could go...
Some years the seminars are better than others. This year I really liked the ones I mentioned above. Last year my friend Vicki and I found a FABULOUS science presenter and went to all of HIS classes.
I will tell you, since I was asked to drive and therefore my little car load and I had our own set of wheels, we ALL felt we had a very enhanced "free time" experience because it gave us CHOICES, whereas in the past we had to go where the school van went.
You look really happy and like you're enjoying yourself! And I like that sweater!
Thanks about the sweater - - - it was a Goody's bargain last fall.
Poor little girls...ALL work and no play!!! Bet you had to force that big smile, right???
Thanks for the kind words about my boss. He's an incredible leader, teacher and friend. And an innovator. Have you heard what Compassion is doing with bloggers? Check it out and let me know if you'd like to get involved. We could always use more bloggers who love God and ALL his children.
-Shaun Groves
Shaun, Thanks for visiting my blog.
Yes, I am aware about your Compassion Blogging trips, I read BooMama's blog and she recently went to Uganda with you.
Oh - - - I will visit your website, and give this careful and prayerful thought. I would LOVE to be involved. I have already been on multiple missions trips, but none of them with a blogging "angle."
Don't forget every good blogger needs a photographer. :) I think I'm available. :)
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