Well - - - this is my refrigerator, I'm home WITH hubby, and not one bit worried about him starving.
Welcome to Keetha's place. Come on in, kick off your shoes, and sip a latté. His grace is new each morning. (Late Summer Wisconsin Sunset - photo by Keetha)
that made me chuckle out loud!
although ours isnt too far from looking like that as well!
OH MY WORD !!!!!
oh my goodness go to the store!
Looks like there are some vegies left. Maybe a vegetable omelet?
Nope - - - no veggies. Those are a few cheese slices that I put on my lunch sandwiches.
Do you see the white box? THAT is a box of Greg's FISHING WORMS!!!!!
Now you know what is REALLY important!!!
Are they "nightcrawlers"??? Maybe you could make some compost with the worms and condiments. You're lucky Kelly hasn't removed all the labels (especially from the bait)!!!
Oh, Keetha. Gerson's got it good!!!!! I think you need to go grocery shopping!:)
This is the PERMANENT state of our refrigerator. I NEVER shop. Occasionally we buy a couple things for right then - - - otherwise we bring home take out. There are only two of us here and it is way cheaper and easier and I'm old and tired.
I understand . . . but, my oh my. Your fridge appears so desolate and lonely. So sad. . .
Except for holidays, or when I've had company for some reason - - - this is pretty much how we roll ALL THE TIME.
If my refrigerator looked that good, I'd make people come over to look! Maybe that will inspire me to clean mine!
LOL Nancy - - - it isn't CLEAN, it's just EMPTY!!!!
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