Points silhouetted against the sky.
Points of interest.
Points of concern.
Points of pointy thingies.
Points of interest.
Points of concern.
Points of pointy thingies.
I've shown this before, but I rather like its dusky silhouette.
Does anyone besides me see a giraffe in this thing?
These point to past economic prosperity.
Paper mills once made this a very wealthy community.
Now there is less demand for paper
And more paper is out sourced,
Therefore many paper mill jobs have been lost.
Our little town has suffered as a consequence.

"Sundays in My City"
To which I am linking this post.
My City is Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
I definitely saw the giraffe. Lots of points of interest in your city.
Yes, I see a giraffe!
And he's looking right at me ... NO GET HIM AWAY FROM ME...AAAHHHHHH!!!
(Slaps self).
I'm OK now... just a little childhood flashback to the Central Park Zoo.
I like the Lutheran church points. :-)
My family has a theory that we can always find the Lutheran church in any town -- it is invariably the ugliest one. Unless it is very old, in which case, not.
I grew up going to a beautiful big stone gothic-type Lutheran church ... and my current church is one of those odd modern pointy-hatted structures.
Great church -- ugly building. Maybe it's some kind of metaphor?
Sadly, there are many areas who have lost much with our shrinking manufacturing economy. I wish I knew the answer.
yep, definitely see a headless giraffe!
Have a great week, Keetha!
I agree, a headless giraffe. Odd, yet compelling.
I think Wisconsin Rapids is a very lovely town, and I never even got to the main shopping district. (Did I?)
Good, good Mexican food, too.
That pointy thing most definitely looks like a giraffe!
this is cool. great idea. i like the comparison of the pointy giraffe thing in the different seasons.
That New Page Paper mill has quite a pun for a name, eh? Where do you come up with these post ideas? I get the point of this one!
And, oh yes, a giraffe for sure!
Such a pointy place you live in!!!
I do see the pointy giraffe.
So sad about the paper mills. So many towns have suffered in the same way.
Some are really pointy!!
Pointy Thingies. You are so funny!! I love a good theme though and you pointed out the BEST!
I didn't see a giraffe until you mentioned it and now, I think it's totally a giraffe.
Yep, I see a giraffe, a very cold and lost giraffe!
Great pointy things! I do see your giraffe, but I think it lost its head standing out there in the WI winter.
You have some good points.
I see a headless giraffe, poor thing.
There has to be a meaning behind LHS' giraffe-like sculpture. Perhaps it symbolizes how a good educational foundation allows students to soar?
Just love it! I think it's terrific that you saw the giraffe! Good eyes.
Long, long ago the meaning of the LHS sculpture was published but those of us who watched it go up knew it was a 3 legged headless giraffe. I was acquainted with the sculptor and he is a very nice man but 30 some odd years later I still think it's a headless giraffe.
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