Not only were we all raising our families at the time, but we had children which were all stair-stepped around the same ages.
Our children spent time together at camp and so did we.

My son is Kelly, the other two are both Matt.
Thus Kelly and the Two Matts. Sounds like a band, doesn't it?
It was a band all right - - - a "brother" band of mischief makers!!!

There are way too many tales to tell - - - but let me just say that some of them involved parking their cars between dorms to block the entrances, hiding hymn books, boxer tag, Gold Bond Powder (don't ask), poop splashing (don't ask) and even mooning (again - don't ask.)
ALL of their pranks and mischief made camp security angry, and made their mothers want to choke them - - - especially that mom in the middle.
I will NEVER forget the time they came toodling down to my camper at nearly lights out on the last Saturday night of camp. I looked them straight in the eyes and said, "I am exhausted and have a REALLY full day tomorrow. I do NOT want security knocking on my door at 3 AM, so PLEASE go to your dorms and stay there all night."
They all grinned innocent grins and ASSURED me they were headed to bed.
3:01 AM security was pounding on my door.
I REAMED my son out and went back to bed.
I then heard security knocking on the next door camper - - - where Kathy stayed. I heard her open the door and before security could even tell her what was going on she looked her Matt right in the eye and said, "Matt, everything Keetha said to Kelly goes TWICE for you!!!"
Those boys!
Oh the joy of boys! What wonderful? memories... and such good friends.
Memories they will enjoy sharing for years to come! I enjoyed meeting the Matts.
I love your face in the choking picture. So realistic.
What fun that you all got together! Oh the stories lol It certainly makes for great fun looking back, but living through... ha! boys!
Oh now that sounds fun, even with the "great outdoors" :p
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