Four years past upgrade.
I was willing to GIVE him my upgrade
So he could get the Blackberry Storm,
In fact we had been planning on it
For weeks and weeks.
I'll be happy to upgrade later
To the basic, simple, FREE phone.
I don't like technology,
Unless it involves blogging.
I wasn't angry with him about the
Whole Mother's Day thing - - - just bitter.
OH I KID!!! (about the bitter)
If you think I'm "picking" on him
With my previous post
You should hear even ONE
Of the pranks he pulls on me
On a regular basis.
We aren't even CLOSE to even yet.
Not that I'm trying to get even.
Not that I'm bitter.
Not that I'm ungrateful for my
Gift of NOTHING .
Hi Keetha,
When you retire from teaching you should move yourself to Wisconsin (hubby too) if he's forgiven for the lack of Mother's Day gift (LOL) Hugs, Cindy
I am chuckling Keetha, because only you will understand my Mother's Day gift...My hubby took me and the kiddos fishing to a small local lake for the day...He tells me I am not his mother, so why does he need to get me something?!
Cindy - - - we have DREAMS of doing just that. But, then we'd miss the grandkids - - -
Amy - - - Hubby tells me ALL THE TIME "I'm not your mother" when I ask about mother's day gifts!!!
Mine uses the "I'm not your mother" excuse as well.
I got the same thing for my 25th wedding anniversary seven years ago! I remind him at least once a year!("it was all a misunderstanding", he said) I do like your beads!
Hey Girlfriend...
How are you doing today? Girl, I bet you're counting down the days till school is out! Ohhh...I do remember this time of the school year...hmmm, maybe it was just me but I was making big X's in bright red marker on the calender! Hehe! When is your last day of school?
I was reading down through some of your last posts that I missed. Your field trip to the zoo looked like sooo much fun! It looks like ya'll have a great bunch of kiddos!!! I can tell that they just adore their Science teacher too!
Darlin'...what's that about? Your hubby getting a new blackberry on Mother's day...and you...zilch? Ahhh...so sorry Sweetie!!! If I were you, I'd just go out and buy my own Mother's Day gift...get yourself something really, really nice! Hehe!!! Men...you gotta love em'! Your turquoise beads are gorgeous though...what a sweet daughter!!!
Have a wonderful Wednesday, my friend!
can i send you my husbands phone number so you can tell him i need one of those, my phone needs an upgrade too!
Hey! We girls gotta be tough when we need to...right? Take the credit card and go splurge on something...just for YOU! :)
I never expect anything since I am not the mother of his kids but his bday presents (bday comes just a little over a week before MOther's Day) more than makes up for it. But we can just laugh about those things. I think it is funny!..Christine
I did get a Mother's Day present, but it was partly coreographed by me. I promised him that I would be very, very, very happy to get a Shark floor cleaner. He believed me and I'm happy--I'm a very practical girls. My kiddos did other things for me.
I would love to have a fancy phone, but leave that to my hubby too. Mine would have something happen to it and I'm just not willing to spend money on it. My hubby has an I-phone and I'm afraid to touch it.
LOL Keetha!
Well, I AM still bitter that hubby got a nap and I didn't on Mother's Day!
BTW: Thank you for the kind comment on my blog. I needed to hear that! And now...I think I'll go sleep while the baby is sleeping...
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