Deborah over at Pictures, Pots, Pens.
I was about to give up on making
A Favorite Family Foto Friday post
Until I happened across these gems.
I think they make a good follow-up to
Last Friday's post.
These are back in the newly wed day - - -
Welcome to Keetha's place. Come on in, kick off your shoes, and sip a latté. His grace is new each morning. (Late Summer Wisconsin Sunset - photo by Keetha)
You crack me up! Those are great pictures. I have a twiggy somewheres DEEEEP down too, so I can relate. :)
Aw, look at you guys! What pretty hair you have. I remember mustaches like that. My brothers, who are older than I am, also hide ginormous sideburns then. It was all about the fluffy sideburns.
Beautiful! Of you. G? a little scarier. He looks much nicer now.
Greg is so beautiful :]
& I love your hair a lot in this picture.
I have to agree with Britt - your hair is lovely in the photo. Your husband looks like one of my uncles in this photo - ahhh those were the days.
You're certain that's not a mug shot, huh? LOL
Love to go back and look at older pictures, you're very pretty.
I am also a very thin little girl hiding in a lot of padding...lol...
I gotta agree with some previous commenters. Great shot of you! Hubby? I think I'd run a background check! :)
I have pictures that look just like these. Where are these people, because when I look in the mirror I don't look anything like my pictures from the past. I wish we could peel off those layers!!!
you look just as pretty now
and the king foo look is coming back hee hee
have a great weekend!
I do NOT remember Dad's 'stache being THAT out of control!!! WHOA! Glad he's toned it down a bit! LOL
You're so pretty, Momma.
Love it!
You always make me smile. That is a guift Keetha. And I treasure you! LOved this post and pics of the "kids".
Hello Keetha, Love those photos. I was a skinny thing way back when too. Handsome even with his mustache and pretty as can be, happy with your roses.
Thanks for sharing today.
Those sure are some great old pictures! Gotta love that stash! Such a sweet picture of you smelling your flowers!
I too have a skinny girl inside of me! lol
Oh all you girls who ALSO admit to having the skinny you buried down deep inside - - - you are all making me feel SOOOO much better about the mid-life shape I'm in!!!!
Smiles to all!!
Keetha you ARE skinny!
The mug shot looks like a passport picture -- 2 in 1 -- makes one wonder where he used the passport. (smiles) I remember having the same barrette as in your picture. Gotta love the 70's!
Which makes me wonder Nancy, do you pronounce barrette "bur-ette" or "bar-ette?"
I'm of the "bar-ette" variety and take no end of teasing about it around here, so I'm guessing it is a Wisconsinism, as well as being the CORRECT way to pronounce it!!!!! Hehehehehehehe
Bar-ette, of course! (buh-ret according to the dictionary ... editor NOT from the dairy state)
I and my off-spring take a bit of teasing for our pronunciations of the words: bag and bagel.
And while on the topic, Wisconsin is pronounced, "wi-SCON-sin" with a breathy first syllable "wi" and NOT as non-native newscasters say, "wes-CON-sin" -- my skin is crawling from typing that.
Oh Nancy you are a girl after my OWN heart!!! I HATE it when people mispronounce Wisconsin. There is no "E" in Wisconsin!!!!
Other pronunciations I HATE:
worse yet - Ellinoise
Hello, don't these people know the pronunciation of an "I"????
I'll think of more later - - -
My husband has a Fu Man Chu but it's more cheesy than your husband's. I like your hairdo. You look so thoughtful in your picture.
On the topic of mispronounced words -- seems state names are a hot topic. Here's one that I ask people to spell when I hear it: "Warshington" -- the beautiful PNW state is WASH-ing-ton. There is NO "R" anywhere in the correct spelling and pronunciation. AND neither do people "warsh" their clothes. I would not wear something that was "warshed" -- it would not be clean.
I have fed my newlywed self slap near to death and hidden her inside layers and layers and LAYERS of fat... but she never was as tiny as your newlywed self.
Oh! And the mustache rocks :D
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