Sunday Favorites are RERUNS, not current posts - - - if you want to participate, just repost something you previously posted "back in the day."
Thanks so much to Chari over at Happy to Design for hosting this meme. You may click on the link to find the rules and see more favorite posts.
Today I am reposting what I posted on the evening of my mother's memorial service.
Don't be surprised that you see joy on our faces. When one knows where their loved one has gone, and especially if that loved one suffered greatly in this world, one can experience joy at their passing.
Such was the case, on both counts, of my mother.
And Then There Were Three
(first posted on 8/28/08)
(first posted on 8/28/08)
Today we gathered to celebrate mom's life. Mom was one of nine children and dad is one of thirteen. That means there were A LOT of us. As the family processed into the sanctuary it seemed like it took a LONG time - - - which it did. And actually, those there represented only a smattering of both sides of the family.
I will have more pictures to post later, but for tonight let me just share a few.

(By the way, Rich's wife, Darla, was homecoming queen at IWU back in the day!!!)

Tomorrow morning Dad, Pam, and I set out for Wisconsin, the final leg of mom's journey on this Earth. (She will be interred there.)
I will take lappy and post along the way - - -
This is a wonderful way of celebrating someones life. I worked in a funeral home for many years and the families that celebrated the life of their loved ones were always the most special families to me. Thank you for sharing.
Keetha thanks for sharing this again. I remember my Dad's passing and how relieved I was that he was out of pain and in a wonderful place now. Love shines in all these photos.
Beautiful post, Keetha.
Hi Keetha...
Certainly a "bittersweet" post, my dear friend! It's never easy losing our dearest loved ones and especially a mother but as you said...knowing that they are in heaven with Jesus and that we will meet again DOES take the sting out of death! Nevertheless, I am so sorry for your loss! I really enjoyed your family photos that you posted here...you have a beautiful family, Keetha! Ohhh...and your mama's necklace looked so pretty on you! What sweet treasures to have!
On a lighter note...I just cracked up when I seen the photo of your hubby carrying your purse! Or should I say...trying to carry your purse! Sooo funny! My honey will carry my purse around for me...it doesn't seem to bother him at all! Hehe! Well dearest friend...thank you for joining in with the Sunday Favorites repost party this week! I'm sorry for the miscommunication and that you went to all the trouble to prepare for the Sunday Favorites party when I had cancelled it. I sure did enjoy my kiddos though and I'm already really missing them! I just hate that we live so far apart! Take care, Darlin'! I'll talk with you later...
Love ya,
What a sweet post. It is wonderful that your dad gave you those three precious reminders to have with you of your mom! And what peace you display through your post of knowing you will be with her again in heaven someday!
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