Before I show my rerun, I need to make some disclaimers.
I made this post two and a half years ago, LONG BEFORE I knew some of you, my newer bloggy friends. That was also LONG BEFORE I knew any such thing as a "Tablescape Thursday" blogging event was EVER going to happen.
Two of my blogging friends had been doing posts about table settings. First Joel showed a lovely tablescape that he and his friends had created. Next, his twin sister Jaena, spoofing his post, showed their humble Sunday dinner table. So, not wanting to be outdone, I showed MY own tablescape.
Please be assured that this is just a sample of my very irreverent sense of humor and in no way is meant to make fun of all of YOUR delightful Thursday Tablescapes.
So without any further ado:
"My Version of the Sunday Table"
Originally posted October 8, 2006
Originally posted October 8, 2006
First Joel made a blog page for his "Thursday Table," then Jaena showed us her "Sunday Table" as a contrast to his.
I found myself home-alone in Marion today, so I thought I'd share MY gourmet version of a "Sunday Table" with you.
I spared NOTHING in its preparation.
See for yourself - - -
The Table:
fuzzy blanket, cordless phone,
all-important-sole-possession-remote control,
Colts colors,
and Turd Ferguson Trout Pillow ready to cradle my neck.
Five Star Fine Dining!!
The Cuisine:
guacamole, salsa and chips
all served on delicate porcelain china.
Simply Elegant!!!
The Ambiance:
The Ambiance:
Joseph Addai ready for action - - -
it doesn't get any better than this!!!!
LOL! That looks an awful lot like tablescapes around here most days! I admire a beautifully set table, but I sure don't bother with it very often.
Hi keetha, so nice to meet you, i dont believe i have had the opportunity to visit your blog. However, im sure glad i did, you have given me the biggest laugh that i had all day...lol this looks alot like many of my tablescapes.
Well let me just be honest and say that we have tablescapes like that at our house. Not often but occasionally. I live with men! They see no reason for the table other than to hold stuff. :)
Looks perfect to me!
I can totally relate to your tablescape. It is how we really eat around our house. Confession time: My tablescapes for blogging are really just for blogging.
I do this sometimes too, Keetha, but I do it in the home office when I am alone, that way, I can keep blogging while eating. LOL!...Christine
See, now that's a snorter! :-) HA! I lovvveeee your tablescape. Good for you for keeping it real. ;-)
LMAO!! I love this! Hilarious!! Now this is fine dining!
Hahahaha.... and I think you've just come up with a brilliant plan for Tablescape Thursday... we should have a day when we show how we REALLY eat dinner! We can call it "Awful Truth Thursday" or something.
BTW my ghosts think you should send them a CARE package of some arroz con pollo. They have eclectic tastes.
Love this. Looks like a great Sunday table to me!
Yum. I would love to join in on that salsa...Laura @ the mansion
Found you from the Sunday Favorites, great post! Table looks great to me!
I'm in for dinner. I've never had that but it sounds like something I would like.
I could never afford to do the fancy tablescapes all the time. Things are much more expensive in Canada. We don't get the deals like you guys get. Here 10% off is supposed to be a clearance. Hardly.
I prefer your kind of setting for casual meals. I'm too short to be comfortable at the dining table.
too true, tablescapes for real!!!
FOFLOL!!! This sooooo the way I live! Being alone now, I find it just isn't worth the trouble to go to the table. Of course, we often didn't bother even when my dear hubby was alive, especially if it was a good TV night! Enjoyed this post so much!
Many hugs.......
(who has snorted and spit a couple times already!!!)
I love it! Looks like a good time to me!
LOL! Looks perfect to me!
I am COMPLETELY charmed! And I will recreate your table scape in September when my beloved Tide makes my Saturdays special once again :)
Oh Jennifer - - - I cannot WAIT for September and College Gameday to GET HERE!!!! I LIVE in that chair from noon until midnight EVERY Saturday flipping between three or four FB games AT A TIME all day.
YissirreeBob - - - I LOVE me some college FB.
Keetha-that is a great tablescape!!!1 I love it. Very relaxing. I will bet after you ate, you slept the last quarter? I would've. But then again, the colts and you-probably not. You were probably cheering the last qtr.
love your fine china!
the food looks so yumeeeeeeeeee
Hi Keetha...
Girl, I just love it!!! In all seriousness...this is the kind of table fare that I love most!!! I can't tell you how many times that honey and I sit down to the exact same tablescape...but it's the most comfortable and relaxing of times!!!
Oooh...arroz con pollo? One of my favorites...and even better when you don't have to cook it! Right? Right!!!
I do apologize at being so late to come by. I was away for the weekend and I'm just getting to the computer! Thanks so much for joining in with Sunday Favorites!!! You're so sweet...I feel like you're my very own "personal cheering section"! I sure do love and appreciate all of your support, my friend!!!
Have a wonderful week! I bet you're counting down the days till school is out! Ohhh my, whatever are you going to do with yourself over the summer break? Hehe!!!
Have a wonderful week Sweetie!
That is my kind of tablescape!!!
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