Sister Pam, Dad and I will be heading out a little later this morning on a trip to Eau Claire, Wisconsin to say good-bye to Aunt Doris.

She will be remembered by me as a soft, warm, comfortable place to call home away from home.
As a child I spent a lot of time in her care. I remember playing on the sleeping porch, eating raw hot-dogs - - - what a treat! - - - watching cartoons, and exploring gullies.
Aunt Doris, I am not ready for those days to be gone. I will miss them, and you.
I love you always.
What a wonderful way to remember a very special aunt who left an imprint on your life...Safe travels!
It seems I have lost too many of my "favorite" aunts and uncles lately. What a great way to remember her.
Sweet Keetha,
I am saddened to hear the loss your your dear aunt. My prayers are lifted for you today. May you find comfort in the memories you shared and in the thought of the homecoming she is receiving.
Be blessed my friend.
Such a lovely tribute to a woman who meant so much to you. Be safe & do enjoy being with family today.
Bless your travels and time spent with family.
I'm sorry about your aunt. It's so obvious that you love her very much. Take care!
So sorry for your loss. Keep your memories close -- she lives on in the lives of those who loved her. Safe travels.
Dear Friend...
I'm so sorry for your loss! Your Aunt Doris sounds like such a sweet and loving lady! My prayers for you and your family and a safe trip too!!!
Love ya,
I'm so very sorry you are losing your Aunt Doris. I had an Aunt Doris too. I had some wonderful times in her home as a child, but, she made me eat carrots and at that time I hated them! ♥
As we grow older we have to say goodbye to the people who were a big part of our childhood memories.
How sad. Take care & God Bless.
It's so hard to lose those we love, but the memories will be sweet forever! I hope you have a safe trip and I'm sorry for your loss!
So sorry Keetha. I lost a dear Great Aunt much like your Aunt Doris. I still remember her pig collection and I was the only one she would allow to play with it!
So sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss. (I'm so behind on checking blogging I just saw your post.) Praying for a filling time with your Dad & sister (and rest of family).
I'm sorry for your loss. What a wonderful tribute on your blog!
oh my, i'm so sorry keetha. i'm not sure how i'm just now seeing this post. i wish i had seen it sooner. i'm so sorry for your loss and i hope you're trip was a safe one! and great cooking runs in the family... now i know where keri gets it!
Oh, I'm sorry to be returning to you upon news of Aunt Doris. It sounds like Aunt Doris touched you greatly, and as hard as it is to say good-bye, you are amazingly blessed to have had each other in your lives.
Be well, and know that I am offering my heartfelt thoughts. And on a much lighter note, if it makes you feel a little better, Keethrannosaurus Rex kinda made my week. :-)
Love from the shore house,
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