Does my title sound like a meme???? Well, it isn't, I just made it up to SOUND like one. (Oh, if there IS a Monday Mayhem Meme, I do not know about it I promise.) This is a "hodge podge" style post, but I already used that title so I had to come up with something else.
Mayhem numero uno:

Why? Just because we're dissecting!!!
I'm their teacher and you can trust me on this one:
It will be a LONG time before they are
ACTUALLY ready to wield a surgeon's knife.
Mayhem number dos:
This is what hubby got me for mother's day - - -

What? You don't SEE anything???
Neither do I.
And yet, this is what HUBBY got today
Even though it is NOT Father's Day:

With his new blackberry
And his paper bag of Wendy's grub.
Mayhem numero three:
The necklace is beautiful. Men !!!
Boys at school are really fun!
Gotta love those school boys! At least they know how to have a good time!
My husband brought me flowers from the grocery store which is fine with me....but in the wee hours of the dark morning today, a cat got on the table, ate some of the flowers, walked into the living room and promptly threw up! I was cleaning that up at 3 a.m. NICE!
My husband has a blackberry and I want one. NO, I just get a bobo phone!
Lesson #1 for husbands of bloggers... tow the line or be busted on the WORLD WIDE WEB.
The necklace was pretty! And now I am heading over to be shocked at the fungus reproduction talk :)
Ooh! Those are beautiful turquoise beads. That's one of my (many) favorite colors. And I thought that you were going to say that your students showed up looking like that because they are caught up in the hysteria surrounding the swine flu!
I'd confiscate the Blackberry and hold it ransom for something that I really wanted. Like my fan installed.
So I'm assuming you were dissecting fetal pigs and those boys were just being extra cautions, right? LOL!
I got the same thing from LBeau that you got from your husband, but he did make me a card on the computer.
you sound like you are such a fun teacher and how fun is that, that those boys dressed as doctors!
i did see the nothing that your husband got you for mothers day! you must send him something on this blackberry you got him that this wasnt a good thing. hmmmmm
the necklace from your baby girl is great and i bet you looked lovely in it!
let us know more about the dissecting!
I love the necklace!!!
Oh my-MEN!!! First, I love the necklace!
Second-Those students of yours look like they are a lot of fun and keep your class interesting!
Third-I thought about you on Mother's Day! I remember you commented one time about your hubby getting a nap on Mother's day and you didn't. Well, guess what happened at our house on Sunday??!! And I'm the one that gets up in the middle of the night for feedings!!
No, I'm not bitter. :)
You are so funny! :) Love that necklace! I sure hope you husband has something up his sleeve that he is working on! :) Ha!
NancyGrace, our cats do the SAME thing - - - eat my flowers and then barf them up. What is UP with that???
Dust Bunny & Headless - - - I HOPE my humor came through about the hubby/mother's day gift issue - - - I'm not really upset about it.
Cry - - - nothing new happened today with the dissecting, except they DID wear the scrubs again.
Julie, sorry about your nonnap mother's day - - - I actually GOT a nap this year!!!
Shannon, hubby DOES have something up his sleeve - - - HIS ARM!!!! LOL
The boys-how cute! Certianly Keetha students. They know how to have fun!
The necklace-beautiful. Daughter did good!
And look! You and I got the same thing from our hubbys. They must shop the same place. How sweet amd thoughtful. LOL.
I bought my hubbys day gift moths ago and dads day isnt til June. Hmm.
Keetha, the last photo, took be back and scared me a bit to think that could be grown in a garden. I had no idea. Though I dont think I could tolerate another in my home or yard.
I had to laugh at the picture of the mother's day gift from your hubby. You know what that means...go buy whatever you want!
I love that your students came to school dressed. That's a sure sign that you are a great teacher. They enjoy your class!
And your eldest child got you the same thing as your husband. :(
Oh but, my eldest child didn't purchase a blackberry storm for herself the next day!!!!
I'm ONLY teasing dad about getting HIMSELF something - - - a BIG something, and leaving me out.
My eldest child called me.
So did my second and fourth children. It was a good mother's day!!!
Oh - - - and I got a NAP, so it's all very good!
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