And today I commemorate their memory with some scenes from our nation's capitol.
I dedicate this post to my childhood friend, Lee Peters, who gave his life in Viet Nam in service to our country. Lee, I will never forget you nor your sacrifice for our freedom.
I know full well that our freedom is not free.

"Father, please fill the hearts and minds of
our nation's law-makers with
Your presence and wisdom - - -"

"Thank you for our Founding Fathers
who looked to you for guidance
in building this great nation of ours - - -"

"Please bless the families and friends
of those who paid the ultimate price
for our freedom - - -"
A beautiful tribute! May we never forget the price someone paid for all we enjoy!
Many hugs...........
What a wonderful remembrance for those who gave all!!! Beautiful, soulful prayer.
This was a beautiful remembrance of what today is all about.
America...home of the free...
BECAUSE of the brave!
Beautiful Tribute, God Bless America
Happy Memorial Day.
This truly represents what today is about. Thanks for reminding us wiht your beautiful tribute. Thanks also for becoming a follower.
Thanks Keetha, Thanks so much for your wonderful reminder about what this weekend is all about.
Beautiful pictures. I am thankful that my son-in-law served his country and came home to us safe & sound. Too many people have lost their loved ones and to them I say thank you and I am sorry for your loss.
Keesha happy to meet you. Thank you, for your comments on my Blog. This is a wonderful tribute...
don't you love Washington D.C.?
Now, that I've seen your photo's of Arlington Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers...I need to make another trip to our Capitol!
I am a grateful citizen today...God Bless America!!!
Hi Keetha, I found you thru the comment you left on Trish's blog ... I really enjoyed looking thru your posts .. I shall be back! I have friends & family in Indiana ... a beautiful state.
Excellent and powerful tribute Keetha. I hope that your Memorial Day is blessed
Beautiful post, Keetha! Happy Memorial Day! Susan
What a beautiful post!
Well said! Amen!
awesome pictures! i LOVE looking through all of my mom and dad's old pictures. it's so funny to see how everyone dressed and looked! and i love that maxi dress! it took me a minute to realize it was infact a dress but when i did, i loved it!
that was great
thank you for postin this
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