If you've already been here, please scroll down and read the NEW and VERY IMPORTANT information in RED at the bottom of this post.
Remember - - - you may vote as many times as you wish.
You may change your vote each time you vote.
YES pets may vote too.
In honor of Father's Day, which is just around the corner, I am hosting a "Father of the Year" competition right here on this little ole blog.
It's my competition, so I get to make up the rules.
The rules are:
1) There will be only two contestants, previously selected for their glowing fatherly attributes. (Sorry if your dad doesn't appear here - - - you'll just have to have your OWN contest.)
2) You may vote in the comments using the name under each photo.
3) You may vote as many times as you like.
4) You may appeal to friends and family members to vote and they too may vote as many times as they like.
5) May the most unconscious dad win.

This is my own hubby, Big Fisherman (AKA Ole) (AKA Greg), and the father of my children. He sleeps through nearly all family gatherings, and is unconscious enough to be draped in his favorite pink boa and tierra without so much as batting an eye lash. Vote for him if you think he's "falling off the charts."
(Read the SIGNS people, I'm not making this up nor making a judgment call!!!)
This is Leigh's hubby, "Big Daddy." (I got Leigh's permission to do this, though Big Daddy may feel strongly against it, I don't know, nor do I care.) Big Daddy ALSO sleeps through family affairs, and soundly enough to be annotated. Vote for him if you think he's "noteworthy." (Oh yes, pun very much intended.)
THIS JUST IN: Very important information to consider as you continue to vote: Loser-Dork Dad fell asleep sitting STRAIGHT UP in a computer chair - - - - now THAT has to count for SOMETHING!!!!
Hurry up and vote - - - voting will close when I say so, which will only be when I've milked this for all it's worth!!!
This is Leigh's hubby, "Big Daddy." (I got Leigh's permission to do this, though Big Daddy may feel strongly against it, I don't know, nor do I care.) Big Daddy ALSO sleeps through family affairs, and soundly enough to be annotated. Vote for him if you think he's "noteworthy." (Oh yes, pun very much intended.)
THIS JUST IN: Very important information to consider as you continue to vote: Loser-Dork Dad fell asleep sitting STRAIGHT UP in a computer chair - - - - now THAT has to count for SOMETHING!!!!
Hurry up and vote - - - voting will close when I say so, which will only be when I've milked this for all it's worth!!!
Of COURSE I vote for Diva Dad, I'm just LOYAL that way. ;-)
I obviously vote for DIVA DAD!! :)
I know neither Dad, but Diva Dad definitely gets my vote!!!! Any man who can sleep through that HAS to be a GREAT DAD!!!!
Many hugs.........
I do think Diva Dad should be the winner. I have some shots of my own from my very own husband who sleeps through family socials. Why did I think that my husband was the only man who did this !!!!
Okay, this is really a hard choice to make. But, I think I have to vote for "Diva Dad" 'cause I love his pink boa! ♥
How funny! I thought I recognized Big Daddy, but appreciate you helping by naming him. :) It's sort of like when you see one of the staff of a restaurant you frequent at the grocery store. You know you KNOW them, but can't figure out where! That's what happened her to me.
So, I'm going to vote for Big Daddy because it was really brave of Leigh to submit the photo LOL and I always laugh at the L on the forehead gig.
Current score:
Diva 5 to Loser-Dork 1
Keep those votes coming!!!
I have to vote for "Diva Dad," although I think BOTH of them deserve a vote! :)
Diva Dad, definately!
Oh, Diva Dad gets my vote. LOL! And Big Daddy is my husband. LOVE that boa and tiara, that is fabulous!!!! This post cracked me up, Keetha!
Diva Dad takes it!
"I vote my dad"
Thanks, Mrs. Keetha,
J Smooth
Big Daddy here (under Leigh's name), I vote for Diva. Apparently, I am lacking the crown, though I have often claimed I am "king of the house". Don't tell Leigh but I never had the proper attire. She owns that.
This is extremely hard, they both look HILARIOUS! For the picture, I think "Diva Dad" would totally win. I am evil to my dad .. or "Loser-Dork-Dad." LOL! But, I am going to vote my dad. Pfft, you should see him in his V-Necks trying to irratate my mom and I! *Sigh* If only everyone could see what a loser my dad is! LOL!
Okay, here I am, voting again. :) Mrs. Keetha, tell your husband I said he was hilarious! He's received one of my votes! ROFL! :D
chris votes for Diva dad and so does wade so thats 2! oh and buckley votes for diva dad too!!
Diva Dad 15, Loser Dork Dad 3
Come on peeps - - - somebody vote for the loser!!!!
Since I am always for the under dad, I'm voting for loser-dord dad! I just love the name! Of course it was hard with the tiara/boa/microphone competition!
What a very funny idea! This is hilarious.
I thought my husband was the only one for whom family gatherings inspire naps -- right in the middle of things.
I vote for whichever one conks out at gatherings and SNORES.
Diva Dad gets my vote! Any man that can carry off a feather boa that well, well he deserves a standing ovation!!
That is HILARIOUS!!! It has to be Diva Dad hands down. Really the contest isn't completely fair, because even though Loser-Dork dad definately deserves many good-natured votes,...who can compete with Diva Dad?? I mean come on....the boa,...the tierra...it's just a no brainer!! ;););)
When I saw Big Daddy's shirt my first thought was, "That's an Auburn shirt." That was before I even read that it was Leigh's husband. So does that mean I've lived in Alabama too long?
Nevertheless, I have to vote for Diva Dad. Any dad dressed up in a boa and tiara gets my vote.
KBeau, you are GOOOOOOOOD!!! I KNEW it was Big Daddy and I also KNEW he was an Auburn man and I still didn't realize he's wearing an Auburn shirt, just didn't think about it!!!
Current vote count:
Diva Dad 18 , Loser-Dork Dad 4
I vote for Diva Daddy because he looks so glamorous with his Boa but Dork Dad comes very close, lol!...Christine
DIVA DAD has my vote. He even laughed when he woke up & saw how "glamorous" he looked!!!!
Anyone brave enough to use a "pink" microphone has my vote!!!!
This is The Big Fisherman using Keetha's name - - - I VOTE FOR LOSER-DORK DAD.
Keetha... you are a hoot!
In honor of pink saturday at Beverly's... well... I have to vote for Diva Dad in his pink boa...
have a blessed weekend! Dixie
BOTH of these Dad's are #1 Dad's. You notice they didn't for themselves. LOVE both of their comments!!! While I'm on here, the cats-Dixie & Billy Bob said they chose Diva Dad!!!! So if cat votes count...that's another 2....
Oh, you KNOW Diva Dad is going to run away with this contest! It's all that pinkness!
You are so funny!
This is so hard. They are both extremely funny. But, I'm sorry, but I just HAVE to vote Loser-Dork Dad. I mean ... :) Who falls asleep in a computer chair sitting straight up!?
Oh Brooke - - - this is IMPORTANT new information!!!! I will ADD it to the contest report.
New Vote Totals:
Diva Dad 25 Loser-dork Dad 6
It's true. He does sleeep sitting up! I think that goes back to his college days....
Thank you sweet Keetha for your comment on my post. For some reason I can't e-mail to people.
(Need the smart son to come over and work on that) I really appreciate your words and totally understand. Thank you for pointing that out because I have felt that same thing before. :)
thanks for stopping by keetha, you are hilarious and oh Diva Dad has my vote, both are good but to put up with that attire, it has to count for something...lol
Yep, Diva Dad has my vote...He has to win...he's already been crowned!
My Dad used to fall asleep at family gatherings too and boy did my Mom get mad. He never seemed to care though...LOL!
I think it's a tie. But Loser Dad sure looks peaceful and he's sort of smiling too.
Newest Vote Totals:
Diva Dad - 27
Loser-Dork Dad - 7
I have to vote for Diva Dad-the tiara and boa are just too funny! :)
LOL, this is great. I want to throw in 21 votes for Loser-Dork-Dad! ;-)
So you can vote 21 times in just one post? I think that should be against the rules. Another vote for Diva Dad.
Another vote for Diva Dad!!! He has to win...he already has a crown!
Current Vote Totals:
Diva Dad - 32
Loser-Dork Dad - 28
From the great State of Florida, all my friends (I will name at a later date) casts all 40 votes for Diva Dad!!!!
Pets can vote!
Oh I did not know that, Well you can add 7 more votes to Diva Dad!
My "It's a July thing" came from the many friends I taught with who had July birthdays as I did. We all seemed to be weird and to explain our strange activities, we just said, "You wouldn't understand. It's a July thing."
We even started to put those words on T-shirts and nighties.
It evolved.
It's a July thing.
Keetha, you come up with the funnest things! LOL
I'll have to go for Diva Dad as well though Loser Dad did make it difficult with the computer standing up sleep thing, for me.
Diva Dad just looked so radiant with his tiara on! LOL
I've popped over from Leighs blog with instructions to vote for the Loser Dork Dad! Too funny!
Diva Dad - 80
Loser-Dork Dad - 29
What can ya say? Sister Sledge branded her daddy a "loser" before the competition even began.....
DIVA DAD 100 VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Totals, totals, totals:
Diva - 205
Losa - 29
Cast my vote for Leigh's Big Daddy. Oh, to be able to sleep like a man. I wake at every little thing. Think it comes from being a mama.
Diva - 205
Loser - 30
If voting is not closed, put me down for Diva Dad. Would you ask Greg if I could borrow his boa and tiara for my next girlie party?
Kathy, not too late - - - and Greg says "yep"
Kathy, you will also need to borrow his pink microphone. That "completes" the outfit!!!
i vote for diva dad and my name is austin
Ah, but WHICH Austin are you????? Are you the Austin who gave me my FABULOUS football plate/bowl set?
well i vote for diva dad OF COURSE! he's one of my favorite dads. and he was SUCH a dva that day!!!!!
Vote totals:
Diva - 208
Loser - 30
Diva totally won. Derr. LOL!
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