Sunday when I posted our 34th Anniversary photo extravaganza (here) I didn't show any of my lovely '70's bridesmaids' dresses, nor my lovely 70's bridesmaids for that matter - - - mostly because I didn't HAVE any good pictures of either.
My one-and-only sibling-sister left one of her RARE comments (she's a lurker, folks - - - I'm the talker) on that post saying she still HAD her dress hanging in her closet. Furthermore, she said it had been her FAVORITE bridesmaid dress of all the weddings she was in so she kept it.
Now, perhaps those of you who like to COLLECT things don't find that surprising. I, on the other hand, knowing my sister, NEARLY LOST MY TEETH!!!! You see, my sister is NOT a hoarder - - - - she is a minimalist keeper of the nth degree. Why, when her children got new Christmas or Birthday toys they had to GUARD them or they'd be gone in the next available trash. Oh I do jest - - - but just barely.
Anyway, when my eldest, Keri, saw the comment she begged her Aunt Pam to PUT THE DRESS ON (yah, this is 2009 and the dress was from 1975, which if you're having math challenges was 34 years ago) and have her picture taken in it so we could all see the dress again. Keri further said, "I KNOW you can still wear it, Aunt Pam."
I KNEW as soon as I saw the request that it was ENTIRELY POSSIBLE as my sister, besides being a lurker and a nonhoarder, is probably even thinner and fitter now than she was back in the 1975 day. (I'm not, and that's all I'll say about that.)
It was only a few minutes later that these arrived in my e-mail inbox having been texted to Keri who e-mailed them on to me:

In her circa 1975 Bridesmaid Dress
From my circa 1975 Wedding.
Mom made this dress too,
Just for all you seamstresses who were wondering.
I KNOW you were wondering.
Since mom passed away in August,
That makes HAVING this dress even more special.

And THIS picture brings up another aspect of my sister that I've just been WAITING to blog about.
Do you see what she is DOING? She is the:
"Texting Queen."
You can text,
You can type,
Having the time of your life!
See that girl?
Watch that screen - - -
Typin' the Texting Queen!!!!
(I did this to Abba's lyrics)
You can type,
Having the time of your life!
See that girl?
Watch that screen - - -
Typin' the Texting Queen!!!!
(I did this to Abba's lyrics)
Like I said - - - I talk. Talkers don't text.
I love it.
I couldn't get into anything I wore in 1975, not even a muu-muu if I'd had one.
Go to my blog. Yep, sorry, but you are the winner of several chores!
Now I understand why people have "This is a no award site." things on their blogs!
It's kinda fun, though and you are one of my daily visits. Love the wedding album!
The dress is so 70's but you wouldn't know it was home made.
Beautiful. Hey, I don't text at all.
I'm impressed! What is your sister's secret for staying the same size????? It's really just not fair. Now I'll have that tune stuck in my head! :) My daughter in law almost exclusively texts, so I laboriously text when forced to! But I do not like it...I'm a talker too!
So 70's and so cool! I think I had a dress very similar. My daughter is the queen of texting, she texts so much the cell phone company called her because they were alarmed that someone else had her phone because of the incredibally high usage. She had used 2000 texts in 10 days. I kid you not. It drives me crazy. hugs, Cindy
Sister Pam texted all the way to Wisconsin and back on BOTH of our trips there this school year. She texts her kids, her hubby, my kids and my hubby. Was kinda handy on the trip since I was driving!!! :-)
Didn't we wear floppy brimmed white hats with the dresses? (I did not hang onto that.) Keri is urging me to figure out some event to wear the dress to this summer!
How wonderful that she could fit into the dress - and how funny that she still had it. I don't even have my own wedding dress anymore LOL
I text once a month, on average.
I had forgotten it, but YES you did wear floppy hats with the dresses, Pam.
Oh, I love the pics of your sister! Your Mom was so talented and I know it made the day all the more special that she made your dresses. I am TOO impressed that your sister can still wear that dress! Gosh, I doubt I could still get my leg into my wedding dress! Well, that MIGHT be an exaggeration, but not too much! My Braidesmaid also wore the floppy brimmed hat on June 14, 1975!!!! It was THE thing to do back then! Thanks so much for sharing and thanks to your sister for modeling the dress for us!
Many hugs.........
I wouldn't say I BEGGED...I just asked nicely. :)
And I'm glad Aunt Pam texts!!! Otherwise I would never know anything. LOL! And I'd MUCH rather text than talk on the phone.
I'm with you on the whole texting thing!!! I tell my girls, call me on the phone because I will not text you back. The dress that your Mom made is lovely and how special that your sister kept it. Wow! and she can still get into it, she looks great!!!
I can't get into anything from '75 either. Then again, I was 7, so....
Pam, You look lovely! Kudos to you for being able to get into it, too.
that is awesome and i'm proud! :) hehe!
That is just wrong, how many years later, and still the same size? Sigh, so not this body's story. I know We are told to take care of our bodies, because they are God's temple. Doesn't it mean if they get a little bigger over time, there is more God space? :) Makes me feel better...:)Not a texter, I'm with U girlfriend, love to talk! We need the texters tho, they are handy with their fingers!
Hi!! I just followed you from Dixie's blog. She's having Mr. Linky problems so I thought you might be a Wordless Wed. poster. Well, I didn't find any WW posts going on here, but I did find one new terrific blog to follow!! I loved your wedding photos and text. I can identify as I'm even older than YOU and married a bit longer. We wed in June of 68, however, our wedding attire looked pretty much as yours. Oh, and our rehearsal dinner was about the same speed!! Times were simpler and cheaper then, weren't they? I also really enjoyed and appreciated your Mem. Day post!!
It's great to find you! Dana
How cool is that?
1. she still has the dress
2. put on the dress and was photographed in it.
3. can still wear it some 34 years later (no fair!!!)
4. can text. I am a talker too. I dont text.
aaaheem you could wear it to maybe another FAMILY wedding this summer? either you or your kin named misti?
The Texting Queen! Hahaha, perfect!
That dress is beautiful, and how cool is it that your sister kept it? Especially knowing your mother made it.
My stepmother and father married about the same time as you, and I remember yellow was a big color in the wedding. My stepmother's bridal dress even had yellow ribbon on it. She kept hers too. It didn't fit me for my wedding, though.
that is just AWESSSOME!!! LOVE the Memorial Day post and the wedding pics too! Actual 70s people and all.*G*
Not very many women can do that! Time has a way of expanding our minds and our waistlines! However, time seems to have stood still for her :) She still looks great in the dress!
Frame looking thing.Yep, that's it!
I LOVE THIS POST!!! Your sister is beautiful and I envy her svelt figure (yes, I used the word svelt).
And having a dress that your Mom made is wonderful.
What a wonderful post...I don't daughter and her best friend Leila are the queens of text....they like to text because they don't want to talk to anyone---everyone that texts pretty much says the same thing....we lost the art of letter writing with the invention of e-mail and now we are loosing the art of conversation.
My hubby and I married in 1973...i had long hair that I set on, it was so long and one day after we married. i decided to get the twiggy haircut without discussing it with my husband.....that was a wrong thing to do.....such a shock to him
Thanks for visiting my blog! These wedding posts look so familiar!
Sister Pam is brave - knowing that you'd put her picture on the blog. I love it!
I love this post! Pam shall henceforth be known as the ultra-fit, minimalist, texting queen.
Funny thing, whenever I see a post with Pam pics, my mind immediately flashback to high school scenes -- yes, she still looks so good!
Pam, you have created such a sensation here.
Don't'cha think she should start a blog of her own, Nancy?????
Ah. Lurkers.
Her thumbs don't look enlarged . . .
I might not be such a lurker if I could txt my comments onto blogs! (And it will not surprise me one little bit if someone says that is possible.)
Korie - I love your idea. Just give us date, place & time, and Mist is more than welcome to wear the dress. It should even accomodate her with child expanding waistline!
I'm sure you can leave comments via texting - - - if you have a BLACKBERRY phone.
Keetha, keep buggin' Pam ... she may come over to the blog side.
That is a really pretty bridesmaid dress... for all that it's 34 years old! How neat that your sister can still wear it!
Keetha AND Pam,
Here is a link to blogging via texting.
What are you waiting for, Pam? You can have your OWN BLOG and you text your posts!
Hey Keepie DaNiece!
This is your SOUTHERN Boy from are so coooool!
Jimmy Joe
I still have mine too! I'll have to get a pic made.
Jimmy Joe - - - sorry it took me a WHILE to figure out who you were!!!
Thanks for the blogger support and I LOVE the comment. :-)
Shoot - - - it gives me the encouragement to BLOG MORE!!!
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