Remember that fabled excuse of yore? Well - - - - this was the homework:

Oh dear - - - they ran all over town to buy more supplies and REDO the entire project. (Except they couldn't FIND pipe cleaners because they were too literal and never thought to look in the CRAFT aisle)
Sorry - - - no picture of the DOG available!
That's a good one.
They should've gone to a smoke shoppe for the pipe cleaners then, right?! Too funny.
They went to the SMOKING section, but not sure if they were at Wally World or where. Bless the dad's heart - - - he e-mailed me because he was afraid I wouldn't BELIEVE the proverbial excuse.
That is a classic! Great lesson idea with candy and all too--reminds me of my days as a first grade teacher. We ate a lot of math problems :)
I am impressed by the homework! How creative and cute! I love that they didnt know where to go for pipe cleaner. I once asked my hubby to get my twin set - he thought I meant sheets!
Dogs will eat just about anything. Our dog Dion would eat a Jeep, if he had opposeable thumbs and a pair of tin snips.
hahaha that's funny:)
The dog ATE the pipe cleaners?!?! OUCH
Likely excuse.
Oh, I kid. Poor kid! Glad he has an understanding and sympathetic teacher. You are a good one!
Now, were you really surprised at that one?
LOL Shannon - - - what DID surprise me was I actually do think the dog ate the homework. That was the FUNNY part.
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