
Today is the BIG day!!! Superbowl XLIV featuring my beloved Colts. But I think I've pounded that drum about all I should - - - so this rerun just BARELY mentions them.
Go Colts!!
(First posted on 11/01/2007)
I'm posting this from a hotel computer in Indy where I have spent the last two nights to be here with Greg while he went through a surgical procedure to remove three large kidney stones. (See my chat box for a brief report about that)
This morning, LONG before sunrise, the fire alarm went off LOUDLY and OBNOXIOUSLY in my hotel room. No, not JUST in MY hotel room, in the entire hotel.
"Hmmmmm," I wondered to myself, "is this for real or can I stay in bed?"
I heard no frantic footsteps treading past my door. There was no verbal command to exit the building. So, I phoned the front desk and they told me it wasn't a real alarm, and that I didn't have to worry about it yet.
Now an INTELLIGENT person probably would have gotten up and gotten dressed and packed at that point in time - - just to be PREPARED.
I never said I was intelligent, I went back to bed and continued watching ESPN and the Colts/Patriots game hype.
About fifteen to twenty minutes later, the same ear splitting alarm went off. THIS time very shortly accompanied by a knock on the door and a voice commanding me to evacuate the building.
OK - - - what to take in a hurry? Well, first I pulled on one heavy sweat jacket (it's in the 30's here this morning) and grabbed a Colts hoodie just in case. Then I stuck my feet in some socks and shoes and grabbed my purse and my school bag which contains my grade book (very important) and headed for the stairway.
Out in front of the hotel I met up with all the other evacuees and a zillion emergency vehicles with lights flashing - - - including one very red fire truck.
Fortunately, by the time they made us evacuate, the "emergency" was nearly over and I got to return to my warm cozy room before I even needed the hoodie.
And just what was said emergency? Someone turned the heater on in their room for the first time this fall and the dust on the coils triggered the fire alarm system.
Ahhhhhhh - - - for more exciting mornings like this!!!
Oh no! That is so funny...I wonder how many guests slept through it or if they got everyone out. Hope you got your money back or a free night or something for all the trouble! Come say hi :D
Oh goodness, I would hate to start my day out that way! Glad to know that's all it was however.
That was a morning o remember. Happy SuperBowl Sunday.
Too funny girl...I hope your team wins today...I know Len will be in front of the TV all day watching it...Hey maybe I can get a few things done around this Pig pen I call home today ha ha!! Happy Super Bowl to you girl...hugs and smiles Gl♥riaps do you wear your Blue wig while watching???
too funny - i hope you can take a little nap so you are all fresh for the game tonight.
See that's how conditioning works.
I read the word COLTS so many times that when I got to the line that said:
"the dust on the coils triggered the fire alarm "
I read:
"the dust on the colts triggered the fire alarm
Of course, I'm sur no dust settles on the Colts...
Great story! Thanks for visiting my blog.
Well, in the interest of fair play...or showing both sides of a story...there is the SOUTHern part of the US...whereupon sits the great state of LOUISIANNA...and the great city of NEW ORLEANS. There resides in that city a fabulous team...in fact they are so favored by heaven...that they are called the SAINTS.
AND, if I was gonna bet on something...I think I'd definitely go for a 'heavenly being' than an animal! I'm just saying...
That is too funny but probably not for you rushing out in the cold weather so early. Thank goodness you got to go right back inside. LOL
When did we all become so complacent about fire alarms? Was it in school when we had to do the fire drills? Was it when we continually set the smoke alarms off with our burnt...I mean Cajun blackened chicken?
We all do it. We look out the hotel room door and unless we see someone running down the hallway in full flames we go back in our rooms and wait.
Good thing we have those alarms.
What a story. I have to laugh that you made sure to take your grade book. I was the kid in school that wished the teacher's grade book would have gotten burned up!
Alas and forlorn...Our Colts lost. I am a big Peyton fan, he went to
University of Tennessee don't'cha know. That's where I was born
and have lots of family there.
I went through kidney stone surgeries
with my husband on Christmas Eve and again the 18th of January. They fianally lasered the boulder to pieces and he is back to normal...Thank the Lord!
sad they lost
I hope you are o.k. after the super bowl. I actually am not a football person and didn't watch the game but heard the scores every so often!
just popped in to offer my condolences on the game. Hope your husband is recovering quickly!
Hey Girlfriend...
Sheeshh...talk about an exciting hotel stay! Hehe! You definitely have "one up" on me...I've never had this happen!!! So funny to hear that it was only dust burning off of a first time lit heater of the season! OMG!!!
Well Darlin', sending my condolances! So sorry to hear that your beloved Colts didn't win their Superbowl! From what I heard...it was a close game! Shoot!!!
I do apologize at getting by so late for a visit but have really been enjoying my daughter and five grandbabies surprise visit! Thank you again...for joining in with the fun of Sunday Favorites!
Have a wonderful week, Darlin'!
Chari @Happy To Design
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