The other day as I was cruisin' through my sitemeter stats, I noticed that my blog had received several hits from a blog I didn't recognize.
I tooled on over to that blog to see if I'd left a comment there or something - - - wondering excitedly why I was suddenly getting hits from that source.
Nada. I couldn't find a comment that I'd left (what was I thinkin' anyway - - - that my little comment would bring a bunch of traffic? HARDLY) So, I left a comment telling her I was puzzled by the sudden bloggy love that had come my way from her corner of cyber world.
She e-mailed back that she had decided to use her blog to highlight some blogs that weren't "mega-girl" blogs, and that she was doing it by putting them in her favorite blogs list, just to see what would happen.
What a GREAT idea!!! The "mega-girls" have great blogs, but they ALREADY have a ton of traffic and don't need MY shout-outs.
I don't keep a favorites list anymore, so this is what I'm going to do to spread some bloggy love around. From time to time, when you see this icon on my post, I will be shining my little spotlight - - - however faint it may be - - - on a few blogs. Check them out at your leisure.
We "little bloggy girls" gotta hang together in this big ole scary world! ;-)

65 Roses for Marcia is the blog of a brave girl who is facing a very big life challenge. Perhaps you already know about 65 Roses, if so then you know what Marcia is dealing with. But the unusual thing for Marcia is, she just found out as an adult that 65 Roses were hers.
A La Carte is the bloggy home of Linda. She fills her blog with the variety she finds in everyday life. She is really good at visiting her bloggy friends AND leaving comments as evidence of her journeys.
I double dog dare you to check out Ain't for City Gals. She's not kidding!!! You need guts and muscles to get down her country lane! Just wait until you see the rugged views right outside her front door.
When you swing over to Lori R's place, Altered Glass, you will find that she talks of many things like flowers, glass, and kitty cats!
Little Miss Honey Bea, over at Bea's Blabber, has her capable hands full with the redo of a gorgeous little house built in the 1890's. She and her hubby pulled up their previous roots and followed their dreams to North Carolina and a home they could mark as their own.
And there you have it - - - my first edition of "Givin' Just a Little Bloggy Love."
(Disclaimer - - - this is not a meme, there are no rules, you don't need to pass anything on - - - this is just a little bloggy lovin' from me to you. If you want to pass it along to some "little bloggy girls" that you love, you may do so - - - just please don't add any "strings.")
Wow I was reading along and enjoying this post and agreeing with you about the little bloggy gals and there I am! Wow, thanks for the spotlight! It is most appreciated and the kind comments. Going to check out my fellow 'little' gals!
Thanks Again!
Linda @ A La Carte
Oh my thank you so much!! I have just been thinking about this and wondering how to do something. So many women have great little blogs and great ideas...trying to be a entrepreneur in this day is challenging and everyone needs all the help they can get...I plan to pass this forward in my next blog or too...thanks again, Sheryl
Thanks Keetha! Love your idea of highlighting us small bloggy people. I just love ya!!!!
can't wait to check them all out! what a great idea!
Wonderful idea! Little bloggy girls... LOL!!!
Well, thank ya very much Keetha for the idea! I'll enjoy checking out these sites, and yeah, I miss JoEllen's blog too, even tho I see her. Let's talk her back into it...:)
What a fun (and nice) thing to do. I'm going to go 'meet' them right now!
Thanks..I know of one of them...I think ALL blogs are so wonderful, it seems everyday I find another treasure..blogging is so great! :D
Well hello there Keetha.
I came by from Linda a la Carte. Linda and I met and had an instead connection. She likes the "Bachelor" like me. LOL
I have always spot lighted a blog that I thought the girls should visit. It seems right doesn't it?
Glad to see you share the love.
Nice to meet you. I'm glad you like the snow and the Olympics. I'm from Canada, and today is W day for us. We did good today hurray!!!!!
Love Claudie
This is a good idea. It is always nice to see new blogs and get new ideas. I'm going to check them out now.
I will visit these blogs...have never been to any of them...thanks.
And FYI...we have our 1st snow day today...YIPPPEEEE!!
You are a good member of the blogging community, Keetha. I am sure they are good ones if you recommended them.
What a great idea! You seem to be as schizophrenic as I am when it comes to your blog choices! I love it!
What a great idea! I'll have to check out those blogs and see what I've been missing...
I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you today and prayed for you! I hope you had a great day!
Hi Keetha Girl! I've missed visiting with you. I've been such a lazy blogger the past few months. I've vowed to spend 30 minutes each day catching up! So nice of you to shine a spotlight on the "little gals"! Going to check them out now!
Have a great weekend!
Now you have made me want to check out these chicks. I love reading your posts. I was a Hoosier, I guess I'll always be one at heart. I think your grands are gorgeous and I talk about mine on my post all the time. The Lord gave them to us and we are proud of them. Oh yow, I always mean to comment on your blue wig and don't. I love it. I love team spirit. Go Colts!
I went over to "aint for city gals" and loved it. thanks for sharing some of your favorite blogs. what a great idea to share some love.
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