I realize "things" really aren't very important. They have no eternal value. And yet I confess, I do have some favorite things - - - little treasures.
While I did not find any of these in a "thrifty" manner, I am linking to Leigh's "Thrifty Thursday" at her request. Welcome to my blog if you came here for the first time today via her Mr. Linky.

By the way, the dresser scarf upon which they are sitting was embroidered by my paternal grandmother as part of her hope chest.
Coming soon to this blog: more favorites!!!
cups like this remind me of my grandmas. I luckily got some of their things.
I love your violets!
Headless - - - did you notice TWO of my sets have violets? I have another violet item - - - not part of a tea set - - - to post at a later date too. I'm going to see if you notice it! :-)
i LOVE the set you got in mexico! i just don't have an eye for stuff like that, but it's something i would have had to have if i had found it!
Is the cheese dish from Grandma a similar pattern to the violet set you bought for $33.99?
I knew you had several of these sets but I didn't realize you had THAT many!
P.S. My word verification is "cower". So I COWER at your tea-set-collecting prowess.
The ladies from our church are having a "tea" next weekend. You should come down and see if there are any tea sets you like! :-)
My word verification is "unched" not sure where to go with that one!
I too really like the set from Mexico!
Are these all sitting around your house displayed or did you just get them out for a photo shoot for your blog? haha
Ah. Confession, the last resort of bloggers.
Nice stuff. Monterrey, eh?
Yes Jewel, these are out and about in my house. I even have a few others I didn't show here.
Keri - - - the cheese dish will be in another post, and it is similar yet completely different than my other violets.
I did not know this about you. I'm sure little Piper will want to have tea parties with you someday!
Ah - - - but we'll have to get her OLD enough to NOT break any of them, won't we????? I didn't show it on here, but we DO have a plastic modern-day Disney tea set for the kids to play with.
LOve. Love. Love!!!
Join me for thrifty Thursday this week is you can!
Once again...I just love your sets. Gorgeous! When I do come up to IN one day, we'll have to have a tea party.
Coming over from Leigh's. I love your tea sets! My favorites are also the violets and the one you got for your wedding from your aunt=beautiful!
Hi!!!!! I'm here *thanks* to Leigh and her Thrifty Thursday!!!!
I use to collect Tea cups - just for the beauty!!!! Differnt ones, different colors, etc.....
wow,I love----------these.They are all so delicate and feminine.I love your treasures...Ann
LOVE your tea sets...I don't care where you got them. I'm usually a roses gal but there is something about that violets set that is soooo appealing.
Hey! What are all of those tea sets doing up today? It's Friday right??
Love your thrifty collections!
That Mexican pottery is gorgeous!
I don't know whether or not you know "Miss Janice" from the blog Etiquette with Miss Janice". She did a whole series of posts on the etiquette of tea. If you haven't read it, I thought you might be interested (I think it was in Jan.) Have a great weekend!
I love cool looking creamers and sugar bowl sets!
I have a little collection going on, but keep bringing out the same ole one. I must mix it up a bit.
Thanks for the reminder!
Well, I never actually USE mine - - - I just collect them!
Oh My! Nothing I love better than teacups, teapots, and tea parties. I have the same Sadler teapot with the little roses. I got mine for a song at an antique mall and it's my favorite of all. Mine is not in the best condition but I still ♥ love it. Thanks for all your comments and I'm so glad I've met you. I think we have a lot in common! ♥
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