Somebody new came to live with us on Christmas Day!!!
Just look at him - - - he LOOKS like a Wisconsin lineman - - - right down to his "snub" nose.

"My boys" have to meet, greet, and beat the Oregon Ducks. Linebacker Bucky says he can single-pawedly beat down any duck.
I don't think he KNOWS about the Oregon Ducks. They are some MIGHTY FAST DUCKS.
I'll admit it right here and now - - - - I'm NERVOUS about the game.
If you aren't a college football fan, you can't relate to this at all. That's OK - - - I don't relate real well to scrap booking or thrifting or house "decoring".
We each have our thing.
College football is mine.
On Monday night, "my boys" will head onto the gridiron in Pasadena at the grandaddy of all college bowls - the Rose.

All the linemen, safeties, corners, tight ends, and even the kicker will do their part too.
I KNOW all "my boys" will play their hearts out.
They want to win more than I do - - - and that is a whole heap of a lot.
Their coaches will be coaching, coaching, coaching.

I can TASTE the win.
And what will happen if we end up with an unwin????
Well - - - - let's just say, I shan't be very social for a while, if I even LIVE to tell about it.
On Wisconsin!!!!!!!!
Go Wisconsin. Make sure the Big Ten wins this one - can't have the Pac 10 claim victory. Have fun cheering the Badgers on - I will do the same but after the Hawks' bowl this friday night (late.)
I am worried too. Those Ducks are FAST!
Don't ever make excuses for the things you are into! (Or not into!)
Oh, I think Bucky and the boys will pull it out. They even said so on the tv today. Don't worry though. I'm a little closer to Pasadena and I'll be yellin' so they can hear me! Granted, they'll be able to hear you too, all the way from Wisconsin, but still.
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