When my sister asked me if I thought I could make a miniature version of our parents' wedding cake, all I could think of is HOW LONG it's been since I decorated a cake. But - - - how silly for them to go out and pay big $$$$$ to get a professional cake when I MIGHT be capable. So, I agreed to try.

To make matters worse, I have NO IDEA where my "real" cake decorating tools are. So, I had to make do with little grocery store plastic tips and plastic food storage bags.
Don't try this at home, kids!!

Hmmmmm - - - I'm getting back a little confidence now!!! Maybe this WILL work.

I'm afraid some of my "swags" swig where there SHOULD swog, but, all things considered, I'm fairly pleased with the result.
(Look at the post below to compare mine
to the original wedding cake.)
to the original wedding cake.)
Mama says to tell you it looks good! Are we invited to the cutting of the cake ?? :o)
I say you did very good Mrs. Broyles! I'm impressed (because I didn't know that you even decorated cakes!) Very good! I know I couldn't do it!
Good job, Momma!!! Now to get it there in one piece...
It's beautiful ! Great job !
It's even more beautiful because it was made from the heart and with TONS of love.
I pray for a happy, successful day tomorrow, for all of you.
With Love,
The cake is delivered!!! Kyle "appeared" here today, so he held the cake very gently on his lap while I drove it over.
Thanks all of you for your kind cake words!!!!
I think you did a beautiful job! I wouldn't even attempt to do that.....bless your parents hearts! 56 years....since my husband and I married later in life, we will be 62 and 63 when we have our 20th! We won't be able to get to our 50th and if we do, we won't know each other we'll be so senile! I hope your mother has a happy birthday and they both have a happy anniversary. How very special your dad must be to want to do that!
Oh NancyGrayce, you have NO IDEA what a saint my dad is!!!
Hi Keetha,
I was thinking of you today, and finally found your blog spot! I hope we can catch up again, if only through your blog :) I sure have missed seeing you and your family.
I was sad to hear about your mother's health declining more. I pray that God will continue giving her strength and grace to get through her journey to Him. She is such a sweet lady. I'm praying for your dad and the rest of your family as well.
You did a great job on that wedding cake! They will really enjoy it. Reminds me of when we baked cakes years ago to earn extra money to be with our little ones. Now their all grown up - with little ones of their own. And I'm back to making cakes (event planning and catering).
I look forward to hearing from you. My edress is GreatToBeGrammy@carolina.rr.com
Please give your parents a hug from me and tell them they are in my prayers. Take care,
AKA Joseph, Ezra, Leah, and (coming soon) Caroline's Grammy
Keetha: Beautiful cake!! Enjoy this very special day. Reminds me of when my Dad was close to passing and it was Mom and Dad's 50th anniversay. The small celebration I was able to assemble resulted in many, many happy memories.
TERRY!!! Thanks for coming to my blog, and for not telling all the mistakes I made on the cake!!! I was thinking about you, that class we took, and our old cake decorating days while I was working on it.
Hope you keep returning to my blog!!!
Thanks, Pam, for your kind words!!
Keetha, don't be so hard on yourself! It looks fantastic.
The more frosting/sugar, the better!
Keetha-it looks great! I always make my husband put the frosting on any cake because I am so not patient in that dept. (pathetic I know). I've been wanting to thank you on all the vacation tips. I'll let you know if we decide to try any next year!
I love it! I'm so impressed!
I think it looks fabulous! Your mom and dad will love it!
That is incredible! Looks a lot more like the original than I could have done. Bet it was delicious, too.
What an awesome job you did!! I saw the first picture on keri's blog and had to comment it on yours! I like your cake making in the steps! Now I have an idea to decorate a cake!
Thanks to ALL of you for your words of affirmation.
Heather, if I had been making this cake just for myself, I would have covered it in the swirly lines that I called "lace" and then I would have put on the beading as a finish.
WOW! I´m amazed, Keetha! Great job!
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