Did you know that Willard Scott was the original Ronald McDonald? Nor did I, but isn't that a fascinating bit of trivia with which to begin this post?

Greg headed to the car with the kiddos first while I was left behind to clear the table. (Typical - - - that's all I'll say about that.) A gentleman diner remarked to me as I made trips back and forth from table to trash:
"You have them kids well trained."
"Thank you," I replied, "But I cannot take the credit, they are my grandchildren."
He said, "Well that little girl took the boy's hand and said, 'come on!' and he went right with her."
I didn't stay long enough to expound to him about how perfect they are - - - I was just proud he could see it for himself!!!!
Later when Jason and Keri returned, there were two little toys we could NOT find as we cleaned up. Thomas Engine and Donald's foot.

Thomas was in Kaeleigh's tea dishes.
Donald's (as in Duck of course - - - from a wooden puzzle of his likeness) foot was found in an unlikely crease of our big chaise chair.
And the miniature golf club (which we didn't even realize was missing) was found between couch cushions.
All have been restored to their rightful place, including the grans. It's pretty quiet around here.

Oh, aren't grandchildren just the greatest thing in the world????? Such a gift for not drowning their parents! :)
Thank you so much for letting us have a much needed date night!! You can have the grans ANYTIME you like! :)
wow you are brave. it's it fun to find "hidden treasures" in furniture? LOL
Finally catching up with you lady! I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's fragile health. I hope she isn't in pain with whatever is going on.
Love the gran pics. What sweeties they are, but they do look LOUD! My son has told me he wants 10 kids but he'll be hard pressed to find a wife who does.
It looks like you have the 2nd best set of grand kids I know of!
Thanks for all the great words about our grans. Sorry Papa - - - I'm sure MINE are the best!!!
NO...MINE ARE!!!!!
silly Grammy - - - yours and mine are the SAME ones!!!
Ohhh..so glad you told me...
BTW, your pix are printing REALLY good now. LIKE the size!!! Was having to carry my "Grammy brag book" in a lappy case!!
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