First of all, remember the kid in the pool on the back of his pick-up truck? Well, he's at it again. He asked me if he could decorate "his" study carrel in my room. Since he was the first and ONLY student to ask, and since I thought it was quite creative, I said yes.
Here'S Evan with his masterpiece:

My friend Rhonda, who also happens to be the mom of two of my students, sent me THIS gift today:

I'll tell you what's even cooler - - -

What a cute kid! I can see him getting away with anything this year!
I got the monkeys in a little shop down in Port St. Joe, FL when we were on our little beach vacation. I have been looking for them forever and when I saw them, I yanked them up! That little saying is one we heard all our lives!
cute picture of Evan!
He's cute!
The PopTarts are priceless! I'm on a hunt now...
So, you don't like Michigan or you like them so much you want to eat them up?
NancyGrayce - - - being a small school, I teach all the classes from 6th - 10th grade every year. Evan is a Junior this year and CHOSE to take an elective science class. Yah - - - he just might know how to wrap me around his finger. Hehehehehehehehehehe
Shannon - - - I am a BADGER. There's no "liking Michigan" over here - - - just ask my S-I-L, who IS a Wolverine.
Evan is such a cute kid! That grin is priceless. Funny stuff!
Yeah- take a bite out of MI!! I will have to see if I can find LSU ones for Brian!
brown sugar cinnamon... YUMMY!
I agree with Jewel! Who cares about the icing?? I know, I know. The icing is what makes them special to YOU, Keetha. I just wish I could sink my teeth into ANY PopTart! YUM!
Shannon - - - LSU is in that same box I showed on here. Hope you can find them!!!
But, would Brian want to EAT the LSU ones or SAVE them?????
Betsy - - - we'll get you all the Pop Tarts you want when you come home in February.
OMG that is the most amazing pop tart i have ever seen I MUST buy some!!!!!!!! i don't much care for what you had to say about the michigan pop tart though LOL!
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