I heard through the grapevine that some folks had trouble with their Windows Vista. I have had my lappy for a year and a half now, with nary a problem, so I assumed the "bugs" were worked out BEFORE I got this computer.
Alas and Alack, I assumed WAY TOO SOON.
When lappy saves updates, it does NOT let me know where it saved them, and it does NOT automatically install them.
While I was having that short "fling" with Mr. Marriott, my flash player got uninstalled when I thought it was updating. I also need to download a newer version of my antivirus program. I have tried and tried to do both - - - and the files download just fine, but then they are saved to who knows where, never to be found by the most elaborate of searches, and so they do me absolutely no good.
I thought it was just my own computer illiteracy that was the problem - - - but number one daughter just spent about an hour trying to help me and it is even beyond her prowess. She looked for help online and found that LOTS of other folks are having this exact same problem.
Now what to do ? ? ?
Later Update:
Baby boy came home from college and FIXED all my problems in less than 5 minutes.
Don't I feel foolish!!!!
If you are having Vista download problems - - - search for "downloads" instead of the NAME of the download.
Save up for a Mac.
Just sayin'.
But I don't LIKE Mac.
However, Mac won't let you down!
Go Macs! Go Macs! Go Macs!
When I first got mine,it's a vista.I didn't like it at all.I have had it 1.5 yrs now.I don't remember the other anymore,I'm so used to this now.In my opinion for me.I think we just need to get used to them.At first all I did was fuss.My dh said,"it's better than nothing."You know what?It sure is.hahaha
Ann, I LOVE my little lappy, and now that baby boy has taught me HOW to find my downloads on it, I like it even better!!! Like I said, this is the first time in a year and a half that Vista has given me any problems.
sooooo glad he worked it out.
My sidebar: it just came back as mysteriously as it moved to the bottom. I did nothing! Isnt that bizarre. Just glad it fixed cuz I was in a stir. LOL!
NONE of my computer issues have EVER mended themselves.
Toooooooo funny.
I'm glad it's back.
CRAZY! I was lucky. I dont know what happened either time. Weird.
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