It's THAT time again!!!! Vintage Thingies Thursday over at Coloradolady and Thrifty Thursday at Bloggeritaville.

Be sure you click on both of the icons or links above to check out what everyone else is posting.
My post today is a vintage salute to Hayward, Wisconsin where I just spent my vacation.
Ah, but Aunt Lois doesn't throw things away if she thinks someone some day will want them. This time I benefited from her frugality when she gave me this:

Oh - - - surely every one can pronounce Grindstone, except some of my southern blogger friends probably draw that "a" out rather like "Graaaahndstone."
And now because it fits so well with the vintage brochure, here is a Hayward fish tale from the early 1960's.

On the last day of school one spring, Lee and his brother David begged their dad to take them and their small boat down to the Namekagon river so they could go fishing.
Mr. Peters didn't want to do it - - - he thought they'd fish for a little while, get bored, and want him to come right back and bring them home. He said "no." They were broken hearted - - - they really wanted to go.
Pearl, their mom, spoke up in their defense saying, "Why don't you take them, Marv? They have their hearts set on it, and it would get their summer off to a good start."
So the boys won out and they got their little fishing expedition.
I don't know how long they lasted at the fishing that day for it became a moot point. After they'd been fishing for a while, Dave hooked a muskie. Not just ANY muskie - - - a RECORD muskie. In fact, the muskie you see in the above photo. (David isn't in the photo for some reason)
The fish was so big, they didn't even know how to LAND the thing without capsizing the boat. So, while Dave worked the line and the pole trying to get some kind of control of the monster, Lee grabbed the oar and began thrashing the thing on the head to try to stun and subdue it.
By this time, people on the shore had noticed and a crowd was gathering to watch the excitement.
The fish was 62 inches long and had a 39 inch girth.
Hayward is "The Muskie Capitol of the World," and hosts an annual muskie contest. Dave and Lee's Muskie was the biggest one caught in a long time, so they entered it in the contest.
All summer long that muskie held the title until the very last day of the contest when someone turned in a muskie with bigger numbers.
"I don't believe it." Said Pearl as she retold me this story when I last visited her. "I never believed there was another muskie that was bigger. I think they made that up so they wouldn't have to give the prizes to a little 15 year old kid."
I guess we'll never know about that - - - but I do know this: now there's a minimum age you must be in order to even enter the muskie contest. Hmmmmmm - - - do you suppose my friends Dave and Lee are the REASON???
Great fish and lovely story to go with it. The booklet is in its modest way a true example of the time when words were more important than fancy colour pictures.
Wow... living my whole childhood summers at "the lake" I remember sitting outside the cabin and listening to my uncles' fish stories. It was a right of passage to go out fishing with them. I NEVER GOT TO GO CUZ I'M A GIRL...sad isn't it. Well, thanks for the little memory jog.... Great Story!!
Couderay. Haha, I'm a cheater, I looked it up! I get an F today!
I love that guide so much! I have a few old Wisconsin tourist guides. Love that fishin' story too. So not fair, that your friend didn't win!
what a great story! I bet those men were afraid of the kids showing them up!
Now...that is a neat similarity to have a Gull Lake too!!!
thanks for the visit today...I am off to the lake again I think. Just between you and me...I think it is BORING on that stupid boat!
I loved reading this! Awesome!
Thanks for sharing that story. It made me laugh. Didn't we all have great adventures as kids!
Great vintage tourist booklet and great ole fishin tale!
I love looking at old photos. Each of them seem like they have a story to tell.
I think this is my first time to your blog, feel free to stop by and say hello at my blog as well...feel free to follow my blog as well.
Have a GREAT day! :)
Great photo and what a enormous fish!
Cor da Rays I'm just guessing with Coeur d'Alaine in my mind.
Good fish story.
I've never heard of that kind of fish either.
Guess I'll have to hai me to Wisconsin.
Great story - enjoyed the good read! Have a nice 'rest o the day!'
What a great vintage item and what a story, how fun. I bet you are glad you were the recipient of such a wonderful tourist guide.
Have a great VTT!
What a hoot of a fish story! Thanks for sharing your great prezzie from your Aunt and the great story with pictures!
I love me a good fish story!
Indian head state, eh? I looked at the post where you explain that ... never knew it myself. And I like the pronunciation guide to Wisconsin. I love it when you go all teacher-y on us. :-)
As for how to pronounce Court O'reilles --- hmmm, like "corralls?" No? Like "Court Bill O'reilly?" No? Like "Throat-Warbler-Mangrove?"
I give up.
Great post today, Keetha. Gave me a chuckle to think of all those people watching from the bank.
Hi Keetha...You sure took me back in time..wonderful memories of fishing and picnicking..and loving every day of summer as only kids can do. I betcha they did that so a little kid wouldn't kick butt on grown men with his fish.
Happy VTT..I really enjoyed your post..
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