Captain Ole is VINTAGE and Brunhilda and Borris were definitely a THRIFTY buy considering all the joy they've been bringing us this week - - - so I'm linking up. Besides - - - I've missed all your visits to my blog today. As Edith Ann used to say: "And that's the truth!"
Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper, but you may call us Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper, with yet another episode in the continuing saga of "The Bearsaltandpeppers Take the Northwoods."

Next I inspected the fishing equipment. Here's what I found:
Hildy said it was just ridiculous to have all that fishing paraphernalia when all he needed was two good paws.

She said, "You don't have a CLUE how to USE it."
"You're right!" I said, "But I know someone who DOES and I'm going to school!"

Ma hung around to heckle, which is the way she-bears act in the presence of strong testosterone, and all you she-humans would be well advised to avoid falling into the same bear trap.
Ma stood by scoffing.
"Oh, but THAT'S where you're WRONG!" I shouted. "You see, it's NOT about the literal size but the PROPORTIONAL size!

And proportionally MY FISH is bigger compared to ME than Captain Ole's FISH is compared to HIM!!!!"
And that shut her up for good - - - - well, until the next time anyway.
Keetha, you crack me up!
Yay 'cause that's a goal I have - - - Goal 101) Crack Joni up.
Oh Gosh Keetha. That picture with the little fish (and more scotch tape) just made me HA HA! I love ya lady!
You are so funny!! Having fun in the Badger State? When ya coming back through BRF? Hugs, Cindy
When your bears get done with their travels, you can send them to me...I have a set too that LaVoice got me...and they need a few bear friends to swap stories with!!!
Have a great VTT and a wonderful weekend.
You must hardly sleep thinking of new stories to blog every is alot of fun to check in each day and see what's new with the bears!
I immediately thought - get them away from the edge of the boat! Hurry! What happens if they fall in?!!
Goodness, I'm too involved in the lives of Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper. I'm losing sleep!
Borris got a FAB fish!!!
i had a good laugh! great post! heheheh
"Bawk! Bawk!"
You made me giggle with your comment. I love ya lady and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend. Keep the bears safe!
Hmmm just read my first comment on this post and noticed that I said "I love ya lady" on that one too.
It appears that I really do.
In some countries we would be married by now based solely on the number of times that I have professed my love :}
Let's see, I'll sign this comment off with "Dearest Keetha my Sister in Christ, I respect your blog immensely...
...and I love ya lady!"
So what happens now that you said it THREE times?
Wow! Great fish! It looks like you are having a wonderful vacation. Have a safe trip home!
It's not the size of your fish, it's how you cook it.
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