High above the clouds.
While we were up in the air
And even when we set our feet upon
A rock to stay, this is what hubby did:

In his ears,
And another in his hands,
As he "guards" our luggage until - - -

As we went from airplane to airport throughout the day, here are some of the things I overheard:
"You have the cutest little butt."
Oh heavens no - - - they did NOT say that TO me.
"Sir, can you push your backpack
All the way under that seat?"
This after I told the offender it needed to go
In the overhead compartment. Hehehehehehe
"Mom, I can't wait to go on a roller coaster.
This plane is like a roller coaster.!"
"Where is gate B2?
I found B3, B4, and B5, but there is no B2!!!
Oh yah, that was ME who said that.
"Flush that potty mouth!!"
OH MY _OSH!!!!!!!"
Oh heavens no - - - they did NOT say that TO me.
"Sir, can you push your backpack
All the way under that seat?"
This after I told the offender it needed to go
In the overhead compartment. Hehehehehehe
"Mom, I can't wait to go on a roller coaster.
This plane is like a roller coaster.!"
"Where is gate B2?
I found B3, B4, and B5, but there is no B2!!!
Oh yah, that was ME who said that.
"Flush that potty mouth!!"
OH MY _OSH!!!!!!!"
All this from a first time flier
After the smallest possible amount of turbulance.
And just guess who said the following:
"Did that flight attendant say she'd
Come back to pick up disposables?"
After the smallest possible amount of turbulance.
"He broke up with the other chick"
"Don't cut lines."
"Don't cut lines."
And just guess who said the following:
"Did that flight attendant say she'd
Come back to pick up disposables?"
"Wouldn't that be cheaper
Than a divorce???"
Oh that man I married
He does think he's funny.
Than a divorce???"
Oh that man I married
He does think he's funny.
So far there is internet available in this condo, and it is free. It is only one bar strong - - - but I hope it will publish this post.
Never fear, if I can't blog here to my hearts content, I shall persevere until I find a place where I can. I will be having MUCH to post from this place.
Enjoy your week!!!
Never fear, if I can't blog here to my hearts content, I shall persevere until I find a place where I can. I will be having MUCH to post from this place.
Enjoy your week!!!
I love your Florida vacation posts! Hope that the internet works-or there is a Starbucks close!
So you're going to Florida...
Psh - do you know it's supposed to snow here this week!?!
Is Greg going for a conference or are you just vacationing or what?
are you on spring break again? you have left us all hanging!!! :)
Such a funny post! Can't wait to see what you 'hear' on the way back! Have a good time! lol!
Is "gosh" illegal or something? I don't understand why the g's are left off??
And I CRACKED UP at Dad's joke! hahahaha :) And I bet you did, too! :)
That OH MY _OSH! one could very well of been me, and I'm not a first time flier!
And of course I would've had to look to see if it was my
'cutest little butt' they were talking about! ;) (YA right!)
Glad you are having fun getting to Florida and thank goodness you have internet :) One bar can be beautiful when you just want to post something!!
Flying is such an entertaining hobby!
You guys carried on a mountain of stuff! (Joe and I only have our two small suitcases and my miniature purse.) Hope Greg was staying vigilant in his guard duty behind those shades. Oh, I LIKE his shirt! When in Florida, dress like a Floridian!!! Can't believe that you are being able to get online right in the condo. God loves you more than JoeJoe!
Pam - - -I brought ONE small carry on suitcase, lappy, and my purse.
Greg brought a backpack and a HUGE check-in bag, obviously not even shown here, FULL of fishing tackle.
HA! I love that you transcribed your overheard airport talk...I swear some of the best material is uttered by those traveling! I'm going away at the end of the month and may have to "borrow" this idea from you! :-)
I'll confess, Laura - - - I listened really hard to see what I could hear!!! I thought it would be a fun thing, and it was.
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