Treasure Trove" again.
Notice how I conveniently renamed
That for my own purposes???
This week I want you to come with me
To "PeePaw's Attic."
It isn't an attic at all,
It's a spare bed room.
But it's full of the same kinds of
Treasures you would expect to
Find in an attic.
My dad, PeePaw to his great grans,
Is trying to give his treasures to
His progeny.
I think this stems from a long
History of him having to take
The responsibility to clear
Out the homes of others
Who have already gone to their
Eternal rest.
He would prefer to give his
Beautiful things to those he
Knows will love and cherish them,
And he prefers to do so while
He is around to see them be cherished.
Unfortunately for him,
This makes all of us quite uncomfortable.
There is something way too final about it.
In fact, our oldest, Keri,
Could barely bring herself to
Even enjoy LOOKING at them.
We did consent to write our names
On the sticky note labels
Which PeePaw had prepared
To help us identify the treasures.
But we weren't even very good at that.
We each claimed an item or two,
But then felt remiss to go any further.
So, I'm afraid when we headed home,
PeePaw's attic still looked
Very much Like this:

Made this gorgeous display?
I hardly can, and I grew
Up in his home and KNOW he
Is a one-of-a-kind
Treasure himself.
You can see more about him here and here.
The quilts in the background
Are part of the treasures to be
Now, let me take you around
The table on a closer tour.

Notice in this photo is
The blue, white, and gold Haviland China
In the lower right hand corner.
Shown here is one place setting plus platter
Of an eight piece set.
That will be coming here to live with me.
For those of you who don't know,
My maiden name is Heavilin.
We believe, by online research
Of genetic lines, that our
Heavilin clan is a branch of Haviland.
I am excited beyond measure
That these delicate, lovely
Dishes are coming here.

My sister and I each already
Have a piece or two of Candlewick,
And since what PeePaw has isn't an entire set,
We may share this.

Two pieces of green depression glass.
Left center is a candy dish,
Sugar, and platter in a pattern
We have always called "Foster Block."
However, I'm not finding it by
That name as I google for it tonight.
Keri will be getting the block pieces.

And pop bottles with porcelain "corks."
Do you see my mom's
"Sprinkling" bottle in the mix?
Do you know what THAT was for????
(Hint - - - most of us DON'T do it now)
I'll tell it's story later - - -

This pot was a crock pot forerunner.
It is a pottery crock that
sits on a little electric base.
Made some mighty good beans in its day.

And last but not least,
Another Burr Camp pitcher.
I believe this one was a milk pitcher.
Sister Pam will get this
Since she doesn't have any other
Burr Camp pieces and
You've already seen mine here.
WOW! I dinbt blame you all for eeling odd a/b that. My husbands grandparents have asked us to write names on sticky notes when we are up in Indiana and we procrastinate and "forget" to do it. It seems odd. But I do understand the logic. I guess I am like Keri. And I dont want other members of the fmaily to come in and think I left my name on things first. Start a family feud. Ya know...
Getting back to the attic, er, storage room, I cannot beleive how neatly everything is catagorized! And the pieces. WOW! What treasures. But in all of this, I think the biggest treaure is pawpaw himself. He obviously takes pride in his belongings that he worked so hard for and wants to share his treasures with his most prized possesions-all of you. How beautiful!
Hey, is does the sprinkling jar have something to do with laundry?
Leigh - - - oh yes ma'am the sprinkling bottle DID have something to do with laundry, you clever thing you. Also, I don't think Keri is worried about putting her name first on things - - - I think the whole process gives her uneasy forebodings. She doesn't want to even consider that PeePaw is, after all mortal and his days do have a number.
Ironing...it's for ironing!! I wouldn't have known that if it wasn't for my sis-n-law's comment on my ironing blog! How cool for your dad to do this...he can see who is interested in what and share the stories/memories that item holds!! Way to go!! :) ...pass things along now so you can enjoy the happiness it brings others (note to self ...file this idea!)
What a treasure trove and a room filled with memories! Those quilts are beautiful, were they made by someone in your family? I love the old books, but the green depression glass...My weakness.Thanx for sharing these pics, and enjoy your family treasures!
what a nice post and amazing that an 80 year old man made such a nice display. Cindy
Wow! What beautiful treasures, indeed! And what a neat thing for him to do!
My Grandmother did kind of the same thing. I remember feeling a little awkward at the time. But it meant the world to her, and I treasure those things she picked out to give to me.
Thanks for your comment. You crack me up! Thanks for making me laugh. :) The news was good, indeed.
I wished my parents had done that.but...
It probably would've been uncomfortable too.I have been doing much the same thing.I have my will,living will,DNR,ready and my will for my birds and Roo.I have tried to talk to my kids and my dh.Nobody wants to discuss it.It's a hard thing to discuss.but I wnt everybody to not be hurt or God knows fight over "stuff"....Ann
What absolutely wonderful treasures - PeePaw included!
And I definitely remember my mother's sprinkling bottle on the ironing board.
What a lovely thing for your dad to do....I have 5 siblings so that will be interesting.
I do indeed know what the sprinkling bottle is for! I watched my grandma and my mama use one. I may have a repressed memory or two of having used one myself! :)
Those are indeed treasures! I wouldn't be able to leave my names either.
What a great dad you have to want to leave with you things that you can and will enjoy!
For all of you who guessed or knew anyway, YES that green bottle with the sprinkle lid was my mom's sprinkler for the ironing. MOSTLY she sprinkled clothes, then rolled them up in plastic to sit over night, and then when the dampness was even in the fabric she ironed them.
Amy - - - which Amy are you? I went to your profile, but it had no info for me there!!! About the quilts, the green one was made by my aunt and the other by a ladies' circle at our church back in the 70's.
Cynthia - - - would you also be surprised if I told you he bakes bread, no he does not use a bread machine either.
Raise - - - I'm glad your news was good. To be honest, I SKIPPED my semi tractor trailer parking appointment this year. I just couldn't face all that rigmarole for NOTHING again.
Ann - - - yes, you are facing some of this for yourself, aren't you. I've been thinking about your health every day since I read your post about it. We're a medical family, so I understand what your diagnosis entails. My heart is with you.
Marie Anne - - - thanks for coming to my blog!!! Did you come to me via Leigh's party?
NancyGrayce - - - I do believe my mom gave me the job of sprinkling the clothes a time or two, then after I got married I WANTED a sprinkler of my own, only by that time sprinkling had pretty much gone by the wayside.
Chandy - - - thanks so much for visiting again today!
My mom has placed small price stickers on the bottom of many of her treasures with initials on them for the specified grandkids. However, her taste is VERY different from any of ours, so she constantly fears we will just haul it all off to the Salvation Army after she dies.
We won't - at least not all of it. Each of us will keep some special things to remember her by. It's sweet that they think of us ahead of time!
Well, I think at least my kidss (I know my oldest feels this way) and I wouldn't want to lose any of these things. My sister doesn't like to be a pack rat, but she will want special pieces for memory sake too.
I don't want ANY of it going to the Salvation Army. It's ALL very special and dear to us. It's just exactly what Mom said, it's way too final. Like if he gives away all of his stuff then he can just CHECK OUT! I DON'T THINK SO, PEEPAW!!! :)
I understand why he wants to do it now, I really do. And I didn't see the quilts Sunday!! Did anyone claim those yet? I remember that multi-colored one.
I can understand that too. Kind of like picking out burial plots, hard to think about.
Ah! Yes I know what a sprinkling bottle was for, and also I remember the SMELL of laundry, out of the fridge and being sprinkled and then ironed... oh it smelled SO good. As long as I wasn't doing it. . . .
I even remember the Enjoli song. My husband used to sing it, which was a bit of a trip as he is among the seriously singing impaired.
Way to make me spit my coffee out when i read your comment on my coffee klatsch Tablescape post! Put food down in the basement eh? Pah! I have enough people to feed, let the ghosts find their own grub.
You're a pip, and I love you! Cass
PS I know how bittersweet it is, to be sorting through those things, and "claiming" some. But your Dad will feel better, knowing that so many of the things that were a part of his life are going to go on, being a part of the lives of people he loves. We are doing the same thing, with my parents' house. It's not easy... hugs to you.
Keri - - - I think Pam is going to take the green quilt since Aunt Vetra made it. I'm going to get the quilt with all the basket insets that is on Peepaw's bed (a LONG time from now) but I don't think ANYONE put their name on the colorful one. I know it FEELS like to you like PeePaw is getting ready to check out. He is not. He just wants to take care of all of this while he can and he is ENJOYING watching the joy it brings to us. If we waited and divided up his lovely things YEARS FROM NOW, he would miss the joy.
Yes Leigh - - - you've hit the nail on the head. Though truly, PeePaw isn't thinking his demise is just around the corner. He is just organized and wants to take care of this for himself.
Cass - - - I have ARRIVED if I made you spit your coffee!!!! Now I am seriously proud of myself.
I was drooling al over the computer, it would be so hard to pick, I would want it all. But I do understand, I just have a problem with sharing. haha. I went through it with family too. This seems like a better way.
I agree Jerri. And I'll tell you what PeePaw will do - - - even though we didn't TAKE anything away Sunday, he will box it up and it will appear at Christmas, a birthday, or some other holiday. That's just the way he is.
Oh sorry Keetha, it was me that asked about the quilts! I had forgotten I was signed in with my other account! Sory for the confusion!!
No problem, I just happen to know a couple of Amys!!! Also, when your little avatar wasn't there, I didn't think it WAS you.
WOW....Peepaw had some priceless treasures!!! Was "antique" strolling just yesterday & those square crystal dishes and the set of Candlewick is truly priceless!!!
Peepaw is WISE in wanting to do the gifting now while he can see you enjoy it and share with the enjoyment at Thanksgiving and Christmas time with his family!!! He knows you will all cherish it and let him enjoy that thrill while he is still around and can enjoy it with you!!! Yes, he is not ready to "check out"...he is an active 80 year old!!!
Cherish his "gifts" to you now and think how you will be passing them on to future family members for their continued pleasure.
I agree -- cherish his gifts and use them when he comes to visit. My grandmother and my mother did the same thing. Not only did Mother like to see others enjoying the treasures, but it was a relief to her to simplify her home.
Love the candlewick -- I have a large collection which was started when my grandmother's cousin gave me her collection as a wedding gift. I added numerous pieces over the years, but I am not collecting anything anymore.
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