This, my first rerun, originally ran on June 2, 2007 in my former blog, "Greg 'n Keetha Stuff"
Macky's Day Out
Today Macky decided to travel out into the world to see what he could find.

There was greater excitement in store for little Macky in the FRONT yard.

All good things must come to an end. Macky knew he was tired and it was time to go home.
When he got home - - -

It was an AWESOME day out!!!!
Oh my, what a cutie-pie!
Oh, what a cute post and what a cutie Macky is! Just look at that curly hair!...Christine
OH this is the cutest liitle guy I have seen in a long time...just loved seeing this cutie..thanks for coming by ..may you have a great weekend my friend..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
What a cute post. This is just adoreable. Loved it. Hugs, Marty
What a sweetie...looks like he had a fun day! :-) Susan
I say Sweet baby...hubs says sweeet motocycle. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!
Macky looks like he had a great time! I think the person follwing him around with a camera, did too LOL
Hi Keetha, ;)
Is Macky the cutest lil' guy ever or what!
Look at those curls and great big baby Blues.
What an entertaining post and dialogue.
Thank you for sharing it!
Have a blessed Sunday.
~Melissa :)
Well how adorable is that little guy? Someday when he is 18, and has a girlfriend, you need to show her this. . . He will love you for it.
What a cutie Mackey is!! Little ones sure do keep you young or make you feel old - depends on the day!! MOstly young-
Love Jan Karon and have read Bodie Thoene - don't recognize your other others but it makes me curious to maybe try them!!
Thank you for stopping by my little ol blog!
So smoochable! This was before we found each other-I love it!
What a cutie pie!!! I'll bet he slept good that night. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Keetha...
Ohhh my...is this little sweetie your grandson, my friend? Awww...he has just stolen my heart! What a sweetheart your little Macky is!!! He reminds me so much of my grandson Noah with all of those pretty blonde curls! Ahhhhh...wished you could just here me Ooohing and Aaaahing here, Keetha!!! What a delightful post, I certainly can see why you chose to repost this one, my friend!!! I noticed that it was from a couple of years ago, I bet your little Macky is getting to be a big boy! Ahhh...he's just precious! Such a sweet photo story! So happy you shared your little Macky with all of us!!!
Girl, you just tickled me with your excitment for "Sunday Favorites"...I could hardly wait to see what you were going to repost! Thank you so much for participating!!! I've had a blast doing this...I think it's been a great success for it's first time out!
Have a blessed and restful Sunday, my friend!
Thanks to all of you for visiting and commenting.
Yes, Macky is my grandson, Mackinley James.
im so confused? this is a really old post?
Yes, Korie - - - it's a "rerun" for Sunday Favorites. It's from Kyle's graduation party.
I will be having NEW stuff from last night at Kaeleigh's party a little later when I get the pix ready to post.
What a cutie. No, I don't get NASCAR either, and it wouldn't hurt my feelings if I never went to another race.
Thank you for all the nice comments about Macky (my son)!
Chari - you can see all the pictures you want of Mackinley on MY blog - http://jasonkeribaker.blogspot.com (shameless plug! ha!)
How sweet is he!! Thanks for dropping by and signing on for the ride. I will try not to disappoint.
Keetha, what a fun post! He's such a cutie! I'm glad that you chose this for this new meme!
HEYYYYYYYY Keethaaaaa!
I had temporary computer access so thought I would pop in, say hello, miss ya, having a great time but wanted to catch up some blog reading. Its evident, I am addicted. Thanks for the kind comments!
Will be back to normal...what ever that is soon....
What a cute post! ~ Robyn
What a cute story and precious little boy. My oldest GS had curly blond hair like that. He's now 19 and how I miss his curly little head....lol...they grow up too fast.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comment. My header is a painting I did in 1986.
Have a great day.
oh my gosh im retarded... i totally didnt see the first part of that post...
HA! korie you're comments made me laugh out loud! i was a little confused at first too and i DID read the first part!
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