Here's a clue: I snapped the picture myself.
Put your guesses in the comments.
The prize goes to - - - Tonja who got this one first!!!!
It is my backpack/purse as seen from above.
You are so perceptive, Tonja :-)

Pretty little gull,
But what kind of gull is it???
Ding ding ding!!!! KBeau is the winner!!!
She found that this gull is a:
Franklin's Gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
Thanks, KBeau!!

He was oh so proud of himself for
Knowing what it was,
Even BEFORE he got out of the car to check it out.
Me - - - not so much.
I knew it had two doors and four tires.
What else does one need to know about a car????
I guess it wouldn't hurt to know that
This one is worth about 200k!!!!

The Green-Eyed Jealousy Monster
This one is of the Bloggerus envynitis variety.
I will admit it.
She has bitten me.
I was browsing around on blogs and
I found some with 300+ followers
And 200+ comments on each post.
Sometimes I found those blogs
To be quite spectacular - - -
Other times, less than.
How do those bloggers do it????
How do they get so many followers
And commenters?????
There must be a bloggy secret out there
That I do not know.
Oh well - - -
You are here
And you are at least grazing
Through my blog.
Thank you!!!!
And if you leave a comment
Or choose to follow me - - -
Then Thank You Very Much!!!!
This one is of the Bloggerus envynitis variety.
I will admit it.
She has bitten me.
I was browsing around on blogs and
I found some with 300+ followers
And 200+ comments on each post.
Sometimes I found those blogs
To be quite spectacular - - -
Other times, less than.
How do those bloggers do it????
How do they get so many followers
And commenters?????
There must be a bloggy secret out there
That I do not know.
Oh well - - -
You are here
And you are at least grazing
Through my blog.
Thank you!!!!
And if you leave a comment
Or choose to follow me - - -
Then Thank You Very Much!!!!
Hi Keetha...
Ohhh...this is fun! Hmmm...my guess on the first photo...it sure is pretty fabric, colorful. I think it's a basket liner?
The second photo is of a seagull!
Like you, I would have had no idea about the make of that car! Hehe!
Ohh my...yes, this blogging thing is a bit mysterious when it comes to the amount of blog followers and commentors! Of course, I think that often the large blog roll is due to the length of time that some of these folk have blogged. Secondly, the bloggers that can post daily...they seem to have a larger following! That totally blows me away...I'm retired, no children living at home, and still can't seem to post everyday...it's a lot of work! Guess I'm old and slow...hehe! And last but not least...I think it depends on the subject matter that is being blogged about...the design/decorating...crafting blogs have huge followings! I think this is because it's mainstream "Housewives & Moms" that have the time to blog and follow the blogs??? Just my opinion! Hehe!!!
Okay, I'll stop rambling and close this book I've written!
Have a great weekend, my new found friend!
Chari - - - I noticed even before I made this post that YOU had chosen to follow my blog, and this is the third or fourth comment you've left - - - - you're my hero!! wink wink
I also think there are some blog "groups" some of these ladies have joined - - - like Blog Her, or a Craft group or something. I have not done that.
Also, I have noticed that the more Mr. Linky things I participate in, the more people that find my blog and some of them (like you) become my bloggy buddies. I also thinks it helps to GO to a lot of blogs and leave comments, which I also do.
I do blog a lot. Not QUITE every day, but close. And if I miss more than a day or two my regular bloggy friends let me hear about it, which is all good as it does make me feel very loved.
Ooops - - - "You've left a comment - - - you're my hero"
you can get 200 comments. I believe it.
Should I set that as a goal?????
I am here and I adore you Keetha!
Hey, are those you jammies?
And thats a sea gull? What kind? hmmm a southern flying opossum.
Not a basket liner, Chari and not my jammies Leigh. Keep guessing!!!!
Leigh - - - I LOVE that idea of a southern flying opossum seagull!!!
I thought the first picture had something to do with a small child - The liner for a car seat or something, but I'm stumped :)
I would have walked right by that car LOL My husband would have known what it was though.
I like the green-eyed jealousy monster. I don't think it matters if you blog daily or not - I blog daily and I can maybe eeek out 4 comments a day. I just got an email from my mother that she read a few pages today, so that's really nice. If I had any more regular commenters (commentors?) I may never get away from the computer! LOL I like to read the blog of those who comment on my posts, and half the time I spend a good 30 minutes or so, reading and commenting. I'd really feel like I was disconnected if I had 200 comments and couldn't at least read their blog.
I follow you on Google Reader. Do you ever check those stats? Never mind - it looks like I'm the only one following you there :) It's my favorite reader :)
You are very welcome!
Word of the day - comota
I'm going to have start coming up with definitions for these captcha words. haha
It's a warm fuzzy cushy pad for your pedi's...or...a kitty bed for "Fuzzie"...and of course the seagull. Wow that is a fancy, sleek looking car. First one I have ever seen.
Yep, I wonder the same thing about my blog. It seems it doesn't ever grow by much, BUT...I have finally decided that I write for myself anyway, so it's just fine if it doesn't do anymore than that. However...I LOVE it when I get a new reader...who will comment!
I think it's a backpack or type of luggage...and definately a sea gull!
Since you said you snapped the picture yourself, I first thought of something you were wearing, but all of my guesses have already been guessed unless it's your bathrobe or a Snuggy.
I'm going to the beach next week, so it was nice to see the seagull.
I'm really not into cars. I took a picture of a Bentley while we were on our trip to France. I had no idea what it was, but it looked expensive. I asked Phil Maloof (I blogged about him in my Captain and Tenille post). I thought it was probably a Bentley, since it had a "B" on it. I was right.
About followers and comments. I think some of those who have tons of followers host some of the weekly Meme events. I don't know where the term "Meme" came from, but I think that's what they're called. So everyone follows their blog, so they can go to their post to leave their link and then they make a comment while they are there.
I can't believe that so many people find so much pink stuff to post about. When I first discovered the Memes I did every one I found for a few weeks. It got overwhelming, but I did gain some readers, so that was nice. Frankly, my sister said she liked my blog better when I didn't have all of those "strange" people commenting. However, I love people and really wanted some readers outside of my family and friends I already had.
I'll continue to participate in the Memes because it gives me something to write about, and I really like having people visit my blog. I've enjoyed having the Feedjit widget on my blog so that I can see where people are coming from. I find that I get a lot of readers who never leave a comment.
I know I've rambled. Does this make sense?
To be more specific on the gull picture, is it a Franklin's gull? That's what it looks like in my bird book.
Ding, ding, ding!!! Tonja gets the prize!!! The first picture is looking down at my Vera Bradley backpack/purse which I took on our trip to FL.
Girls, girls, girls - - - I KNOW it's a seagull, that wasn't my question - - - what TYPE of seagull is it??? I'd never seen one like it. I've edited that part of the post to try to be more clear.
Kirby - - I think your "comota" sounds like a baby female Komodo Dragon.
KBeau - - - I don't know where they got the word "meme" but since MANY of them are questions about oneself I think of them as "Me-Me's" :-) I found "meme" on Wiki once, but don't remember right now what it said - - -
And, whatever brings all of you to my blog, let me say again I LOVE you and am so glad you are here!!!!
Ok, it's a seagull who has most likely grabbed one of our kids' sandwiches or pooped on one of us in blogland at some point!!!It is a rare species?I need more info Teacher...
I look forward to your posts, and am faithful follower! Some the "big" blogs, not unique and special like you Keetha! You have true friends who love you, and don't leave nonsense 2oo comments!
Amy, thank you for all your kind comments about my blog, you have been my number one fan for a long time now and you are truly appreciated!!!! About the seagull - - - I have NO IDEA what kind it is, but isn't the coloring unusual??? I've never seen one like it before, nor had hubby who is a Florida boy!!!! I tried googling it, but didn't find it yet. I'm HOPING one of my blog readers will pipe right up and TELL me what kind of a gull it is.
First Picture: Vera Bradley purse
Probably a Franklin's gull or a Laughing Gull.
The sea gull? It's a blue footed virgin Naple.
Maybe a red footed virgin Naple - - - look again!
Commenting to push you to the 200 mark....
Anyhoo... I have a irl friend that I think you would like. She just started her own blog:
Have fun!
Still a long way from 200 . . .
To be conscientious, you'd have to read all 200, and answer some of them, and maybe comment on their blogs. Think how grueling that would be.
I thought the photo was of a doggie bed. Oh well.
Headless- - - I'll check out your friend's blog.
Dr. L - - - Well, I do follow 68 right now, and since everyone doesn't post every day and sometimes when I check there are no new updates, and since I talk pretty fast as you might remember - - - I think I could follow some more. :-)
Hi Keetha, Thank you for following me. I will follow you too. I like in your header were you say put on your PJ's. Girl, I am in my PJ's until early afternoon most days. Some days I just go from PJ to PJ if the time is right! I now have two followers.........
Sky - - - I KNOW the excitement of picking up those followers!!! You go girl - - - you blog and they will come!!!! :-)
This is totally unrelated to your blog but just wanted to say that I saw three of your four kids last night in FW. Phil & I went to Neon Armadillo to hear Korie and the band play. They are really good. Your daughter has an amazing voice. It was good to see all of them.
We got there a little before 10 and left around 11. We are too old to stay out any later :)
Kathy - And as you can see, we were too old to be out even THAT late. I'm hoping she'll have an outdoor venue this summer - - -
hi keetha! i think i've only left a comment once, but i do read your blog quite regularly. your frequent posts keep me coming back for more! i enjoy the creativity in your posts and reading about your beautiful grandkids. :) here's to that 200 comment goal :)
a seagull? and not sure what else
thanks for popping by my blog
the green eyed jealousy thing made me laugh out loud, I know what you mean
sometimes I wonder the same too, especially, and dare I say it when it is soooo obvious that it's all about the advertisers
dunno what the answer is, what I do is just try and visit blogs that inspire me to get motivated, that's how mine started and then comment on what I like
happy blogging and thanks so much for leaving *me a comment
I'm with Greg....great car! I think the two of us should head down to the dealership and order a couple....if we could get Keetha to buy that would be sweet! I'll take a gray one :) Brian
Hmmm, I don't know the answer either. I have a healthy number of followers and visits to my blog per day. But I read and comment on a LOT of blogs when my time is my own (I am behind on reading and commenting right now). When I am not visiting as much? Comments go down. Makes me think there might be a connection, you know?
I wish I could say I write ONLY for me - I don't. I think I write very often to entertain... I want to be a comfortable place to land in the Blogsphere. If I wrote for myself my blog would be a big pity party :D
I like that you boldly asked that question though.
And I like your blog very much. I feel like YOU come through and you know what? I LIKE YOU!!
well,i missed all the guessing.but i wouldn't have gotten them anyway.ha.
yes,i found one the other day that has,get ready....6,000.can you believe that.i think it was started in 2002,but still.my goodness.i bet she pays a bunch for hers........ann
This is apparently my day for missing contests. *sigh*
I know what you mean about the jealousy. I work so hard at being mediocre, but I only have about 30 regular visitors. It can get discouraging at times...
Ok,not really. I mean I really DO have 30 (plus or minus) fans who lurk, but it doesn't bother me that it's not more.
If it makes you feel better though, I'll start three new blogs under various aliases (alii?) and have them all follow you.
Hi Keetha...
Congratulations to Tonja and Kbeau! Smart ladies!!!
Just read the sweet note that you left in my kitchen...thank you for coming by!
Girl, I bet that you're counting the days till summer break! Ohhh...how I remember this time of the school year...I was marking the days off of the calendar! Hehe!
Have a marvelous Monday, my friend!
Hey Keetha...I'll leave a comment for you and you do get a lot of comments on your blog!!!! I always enjoy when you comment on ours...I need to be better about that! I just "made myself known" to Keri...I'd been reading her blog for quite some time. I didn't want her to think I was some weird stalker so I made a connection thru you! :) We've also gotten a few comments on our blog from your followers...traced them thru the sitemeter! Pretty cool! :) ~Jaye
Oh man, I think I'm gonna whine more OFTEN about not getting enough blog comments - - - 34 and COUNTING!!!
Ashley - Thanks for coming and keep it up!!!
Beach - - I've been following you for a while not, watch for MORE comments from me.
Brian - Got 200k? That's what Greg googled the price of that little Astin to be.
Dust - - I'm with ya!! I think I write to entertain too, and "Awwwwwww shucks, I heart you too!"
Ann - 6,000!!!! That just crazy
Groovy - I can't wait for all three of your news blogs. :-)
Chari - I'm comin' by your blog a lot these days. I told my school Chari about you today.
Jaye - I'm so glad you introduced yourself to Keri, she will LOVE that.
Ah, when i think of how often we had to clean fish bones out of the upstairs gutters at my parents' beach house... gulls like to drop stuff.
Plus they drop shellfish in driveways to break them. Clever birds.
My parents' house is on Peconic Bay, so we joked we had "Bay Gulls." Get it? Bay gulls? Bagels? Hahahaha... are you clutching your side and laughing yet? Ah, a little New York humor.
Nice car. I could get used to that, once I figured out to drive it. Remember that song, the one with the line: "He's the kind of fella'd go to drive a Maserati, put the key in the wrong little hole...." ?
Now that I think about that line... Nah.
PS 200 comments? Holy moly. What would we have to write about to get THAT kind of reaction? Hmmm...
Cass - - - I like the "Bay-Gulls" NY humor!!!
I don't know - - - sometimes the posts that I've seen with 200 comments weren't even as clever as others which only had 2, 3, or 4 comments.
Shoot, I didnt guess it....
you're a good kid...lol
greatly appreciated
you're special, unique, and funny
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