'Cause I'm just about too fractured to even fragment!!!
Goodness - - - where did today go? I don't know, but I'm here now at the tail end of the day putting up my pitiful little fragments for all the world to see.
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Just in case y'all missed it, I had a very "exciting" week which involved modeling some new fashion bling. Check it out here. Now, don't stop at the FIRST picture or you'll miss the blingiest bling.
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And she is precious until the diva shows itself. You know, that old alter ego diva thing.
"There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good,
She was very very good,
But when she was bad she was horrid."
I think the poem was written for one of Piper's ancestors.
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good,
She was very very good,
But when she was bad she was horrid."
I think the poem was written for one of Piper's ancestors.
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Lilac leaves are pretty much out - - - trees are in full bud - - - and some daffies and tulips are blooming.
I HOPE all my flower buds don't freeze their little "b's" off!!!
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The racks have wheels - - - works like a charm.
Nicodemus is the goat I named.
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I googled these tea cup sets and found that they are Turkish.
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My mom used to have two or three sets of them which she used to serve refreshments at ladies' functions. I don't know what happened to her sets - - - but lately I've been WANTING a set or two of my own, mostly for nostalgia reasons.
Wednesday someone GAVE me two plates and four cups.
GAVE them to me - - - wow!
Now I just need to get a few more then we can PAR - TAY!!!
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Yes my mother had those snack plate/cup sets. So much to comment on. The children are growing up and as beautiful/handsome as always. Hope you bulbs hold up through the cold nights. I sure do miss Lilac bushes.
We have hundreds of snack sets at church and every time I go to the thrift store there are sets of all styles to be had! By the way--are you that ancestor of Piper's who had the little curl??? :) LOL!
I have some of those snack sets and I love them! What a crazy Friday this was for me also.
Just found your cheery blog and enjoy your witty banter! I have a few of those sandwich set for the same reasons, but I think I'll start using them now. How about you?
I'm a new follower. Those are some really cute grandkids!
Love the sweet model!!
Oh, your grands are just precious! And man, are they growing! Piper is a sweet model!
I do remember those plates and cups and I'll bet there are some floating around in our family, but I didn't get them!
O.K. love your fingernails and that color!
Beautiful grandbabies! Thank you for popping by Norway. :-)
Love those snack sets... hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Pretty little one and Handsome grandson:) They are too cute even when they are a little bit bad!
Hope all of the buds don't get too cold! Hopefully they will stand strong thru the chilly nights!
I have some of those snack plates packed away... hmmmm, wonder where they are:)
Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!
Interesting fragments--especially liked the ones of your grand kids and the goats.
The party serving plates...with tea looks like something my mom had years ago. Glad you found a place for them.
And your grandkids....super special aren't they? And yours are #1---darling and #2----handsome as all get out.
LOL about the shirts tho. Too funny. If it would be in my case, I'd have a Bronco shirt for my grandsons, but they both like Steelers. Oh well.
Have I told you ever that you have one gorgeous smile...I see it in your profile photo and I don't think I've ever mentioned it.
Oh, and all the osprey we saw the other day....I couldn't get a photo of any of them...but I HAVE posted photos before on my blog. When you get a chance, just use my dropdown menu "Contents" and click on the subject BIRDS - there, you scroll down and find some osprey images.
Hi Keetha, thank you for stopping by and saying hi..I must say I love the little plate and cup set, my mom had some of those too, I must ask her what happened to them, too many moves I am sure they are gone:( what a treasure and blast from the pastT
Ok, your grands are precious and beautiful, and where you live is beautiful, hope the buds make it, you should be having your last freeze soon I hope. My sis is in northwestern IL and she is hoping for the same..their spring was so warm everything is budding and growing.
thank you again for your friendship and for stopping by!
You certainly pulled the fragments together! I have my mom's whole set of those snack plates/cups and have used them for several showers. They really work well for lap eating. They sure are old but in perfect shape!
How did I comment without a proper grandchild comment. How adorable ! Love all the pink, and of course your grandson is growing into a fine young man. It's interesting how they "do tea" in other parts of the world, for instance the Turags on the African desserts have to drink three cups at a time and pour out their tea from sitting on top of the camel (to the ground...the better pourer you are the more macho!)
Diva? What diva?! :) Not my precious little angel!
Overdose of cuteness in this post with the kids and the dainty spoon.
First-I am SO glad you are feeling better but I hope you can figure out what is making you feel so bad. I'll say a prayer for that one:)
Oh my your grandbabies are precious. I have such a good time taunting my son-in-law who is a Giants fan. When my grandson was a baby my daughter and I used to put Eagles pillows in his crib and we taught him to pick green as his favorite color..unfortunately at 10 years old the little guy now sides with his Dad..onto the one who tries to open lotion bottles with her lip:)
"pitiful little fragments"? You crack me up, Keetha!
I think you should report that kind of child abuse to the authorities. tsk tsk!
Thanks for linking up! Have a great week :)
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