Many of you have asked where in the world I've been.

All I know is that after 7 plus years of blogging and a different lappy, which I don’t like, I seem to have lost my blogging fervor.

Someday, when you least expect it, I will post again.

For those of you still waiting I say thank you.

Meanwhile, I am rather prolific on twitter. Find me: @KeethaB
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The Eclectic Company - Waitin' on a New Adventure!!
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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday in Bayfield


Last summer on a very hot 98 degree day in northern Wisconsin, Fisherhubby and I - - -

Took a drive along the southern shore of Lake Superior.

This largest of the Great Lakes, also known in Chippewa tribal Lore as Gitche Gumee (Big-Water), is such a vast body of water it feels like a sea.

It even has sea-worthy vessels which sail upon it.

If you are as old as am I, you may remember the Gordon Lightfoot song from the '70's which commemorated the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

'Tis difficult for me to drive along this shore without thinking of that song and wondering what ghosts lie beneath its deep icy waters.

Suddenly we rounded a bend and found ourselves in Bayfield, Wisconsin.

What a quaint "sea-going" village with streets that run down to the water on two sides.

It is built into the side of a hill,

With houses, halls, and chapels overlooking the bay.

I've never been to California, but it seemed to me that this town right in the heart of the midwest had a California village "flair".

We found a delightful old historic Inn where we partook of lunch.

I kept expecting a "highwayman" or the Ghost of the Edmund Fitzgerald Captain to belly up to the bar and demand a pint.

Of course I have no idea what I'm talking about since I've never bellied up to any bar in my LIFE - - - except to sip a coke and watch a college football game when there were no other TVs to be had.

Bayfield is the "casting off" point for day trips to the Apostle Islands

We even saw a sailing ship - tall ship - in the harbor.

There were lots of smaller vessels too.

Someday I'd like to return to Bayfield, spend the night at the old Inn, tour the Apostle Islands, and take a ride out to Madeline.

Won't you come along?

Thanks to Unknown Mami for hosting
"Sundays in My City"
To which I am linking this post.
My City is Bayfield, Wisconsin



Anonymous said...

I'm crazy about lakes, seas, rivers...
Thanks for these summery pictures. Happy Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Loving these pictures! Now I want to go visit. thank you for sharing :))


nancygrayce said...

I'd love to come. Thank you for the invite!!!

Unknown said...

Gordon Lightfoot? Of course I am old enough to know that song.

Actingbalanced said...

The Wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald is a classic ...
This looks like a great place for a visit!

Tara R. said...

I loved Gordon Lightfoot. I didn't know that Lake Superior was Gitche Gumee. I've learned something new today.

Vidya Sury said...

Ooh, I'd definitely love to come along, Keetha!

The photos are amazing - and thanks for such a lovely trip. That stretch of water looks inviting and the inn is so picturesque!

And gosh, I've not heard Gordon Lightfoot in decades!!

(I love your header image - so pretty!)

Happy Sunday!

Wayne W Smith said...

I love Lake Superior. I want my retirement home to be along it. Dreamy.

Keri said...

Oh my goodness. Bayfield looks divine!!! I want to go there. For a week.

(P.S. I tagged you today!)

StarTraci said...

Stunning! It's hard to believe that "lakes" can be so vast. Thanks for sharing the beauty.

Happy Sunday.

tinajo said...

Awesome to be able to follow you on your road trip, I love seeing things like this! :-) said...

I didn't know the origin of Gitche Gumee, thank you so much for the education. Great photos.

Theresa said...

I would love to take that trip with you:) I have been to California and a lot of the sights look similar!

Enjoy your Sunday evening dear Keetha, HUGS!

Claudya Martinez said...

I'd love to come along. I really like the ship with the huge sails.

Anonymous said...

Those old "sea" towns also remind me of New Hampshire and Maine. Looks beautiful!

As Cape Cod Turns said...

So pretty!

Jenny said...

What a neat vacation spot! Love the boats and the water.