Two farms, sitting side by side. Both sporting quintessential red Wisconsin barns. Both probably home to the TRULY happy cows - - - the dairy cows of Wisconsin.
I'm not sure if they are STILL home to those happy cows or not, though I would guess yes because of the good condition both barns are in.
This is the Wisconsin I love - - - rolling countryside dotted with red dairy barns.

At least I'm HOME. After more than 38 years of "wandering in the wildernesses" of South Carolina, North Carolina, and Indiana I am finally HOME.
'Tis true - - - you can take the girl out of Wisconsin, but you cannot take Wisconsin out of the girl!

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I really like the quonset style of this barn. Sadly, it is not usually seen in Ontario.
Nice barns! Don't want to live in the snow though.....this here' a Florida girl! :)
Nice barns! I like the shape and color.
PS - the cows are happy in Michigan too! :)
I love the roof on this one.
It's a beautiful barn!
This is a beautiful and well-kept barn! Love the shape of the 3 windows.
Barns, I am glad you love to take pictures of barns because I love to look at them,we have barns here in the Pacific Northwest, but they are not as old or historic as in other areas of our country.Too bad you couldn't go inside and see if the cows were there.
BTW, I totally agree with the blogger word verification. Blogger is very good at keeping the spam off your comments without it and lately, I have been very frustrated with the word verification, seems more like an eye test or even and extreme lesson in letter interpretation.I just might post that line myself, and give you credit! :)
Love that barn! The three windows give it a lot of character.
This is one spectacular barn. I've never seen anything like this in Texas. Our barns are pretty scraggly compared to the likes of the ones where you live.
Beautiful! Love the red barns and just a hint of snow.
Glad you're home - it's the best place to be!
That is fancy barn. Look at all the detail! Someone must be proud of that one.
beautiful photos! i'm originally from california but am having fun meandering through missouri, georgia and now virginia...i don't think i'll ever return to ca!
what a beauty. goes well with surroundings. (:
I LOVE old barns. In fact, I wouldn't mind owning one and turning it into a home. The pole barns of today have nothing on these pieces of Americana.
Lovely old barns. You wouldn't see anything like these in the UK.
Beautiful barn and photos.
Regards and best wishes
Truer words were never spoken, and I wasn't even born in Wisconsin! Love those barns, and my dream is to travel every single dirt road in Wisconsin and take pictures of nothing but barns!
Beautiful barns...I have been in Wisconsin a couple times and loved all the barns, and in general liked the state.
your photos made me homesick, then your words drove it home like a nail in the coffin. c. wis. will always be in my blood...
There is something so wonderful about barns, isn't there? I just love them. I am thankful you are back among them. This barn is gorgeous. Just stunning!
Classic scene...
Beautiful barn & congratulations on finding your way home after so long!
Thanks for joining =)
I'm sorry you've been short on snow this winter. Can we even call it winter? I'm no lover of cold weather, but I am a little nervous about the fleas and ticks that may be the result of this mild winter. :|
And another in the background :) I'm thinking cheese...are they dairy barns?
That's a gorgeous scene, Keetha! Nicely done!
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