Besides - - - it's fun shopping for and buying all that bling.
Even more fun when it is gifted to you, as was this lovely turquoise necklace from my youngest daughter.
However, this week I was made "privy" to the NEWEST look in accessories. One word of warning here - - - these accessories may not be for EVERYONE, they are expensive and the look is rather "je ne sais quoi."
So, without further ado I introduce to you the newest line of fine bling:

Of course we all know that in fashion it is often about the layers - - - and so it is with this new line of bling.

These are all the rage in evening wear.

Oh, maybe I shouldn't use "killer" and CCU in the same sentence - - -
(No Keetha's were harmed or destroyed in the filming of this blog post.)
(I'm back home and though diagnosis-free, am feeling like a new person today, so don't worry or fret a bit.)
(By diagnosis free I simply mean they said what is NOT wrong with me but could not explain what IS wrong with me - - - most people can't, so I wasn't too surprised.)
oh my -- this scared me, but glad you are a new person today. i would say i like you in turquoise and minus the mesh, fingerless glove : ) take care and enjoy your week.
I am glad to read that you are feeling better - and are proving it with a hospital adventure post. I do, however, find it hard to believe that in the midst of suffering severe pain you thought to pull out and use your camera!
I like the turquoise much better! Whew glad you are home and OK! I've worn that particular piece of jewelry once and it wasn't my favorite for the price either! Hugs, Linda
Oh my friend! I'm so glad you are feeling better. Looks like you had a rough go of it! The turquoise is your color! Much better than hospital white.
That colour really suits you! I love me some bling!
What a shock this is. You are not supposed to wear that kind of jewelry and dress in those styles. Whatever happened, I trust it goes away soon. You have way to much energy to waste in a room like that. Take care.
Oh my, funny with a scarey twist. I'm with the others; the turquoise jewels are preferable. What is the deal on your cover the IV?
Well I'm thankful there's a lot your are not sick with. Several of my friends have gone through that recently and it is now being called a weird "migraine." Hope yours truly was nothing ...
HA! Nice, Mom! :) Glad you're feeling better.
Only YOU, Keetha, would think to take pictures of yourself in that state and post them for all the world to see! Glad you're home and feeling better. :)
Oh wow! Glad you're home and ok. How long were you there? Yes, I definitely like the accessory of CHOICE!
Be blessed today!
Glad your feeling better and I hope they can figure out what hurts. Sending prayers your way.
What in the world? You had me scared...first you look amazing in the aqua, then you're wearing the bling I try to stay away from!!?? Don't DO that to me! Hope you're feeling better...!
Yes, SweetPea, the blue looks so much better on you. I'll be praying that someone has the knowledge and discernment to diagnose your pain. Good idea, huh?
Glad to hear you are feeling better; your photos scared me. Hope someone can help you diagnose the problem.
Thank Heavens you had the presence of mind to take pictures for your blog! And thank heavens you're ok!
Oh My! Consider yourself "HUGE HUGGED"! I must say I've been there and done that. BUT never let anyone take pictures...Hmmmm, maybe it's a good idea "FOR EVIDENCE SAKE"! I am SO HAPPY about the "WHAT YOU DON'T HAVE PART"! But I know it doesn't make us feel any better...At this point I usually blame the weather changes and move on. BUT I want YOU Dear Friend To find OUT WHAT'S WRONG!
Super Big Hugs,
I don't know what you have (medically) but you have us all with your joie de vivre. Get well, your Badgers need you. Hey I even had them go all the way in the NCAA basketball tourney but they had other plans.
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