Early this morning dad, Sister Pam, and I loaded our bags into the trunk of dad's car and hit the road heading to Wisconsin.
About the time we stopped for a potty break and a bite to eat, the rain stopped - - - just in time for me to start driving. Wasn't THAT thoughtful.
Like, who do you suppose had a full pair of scissors in her purse when dad needed a pair this evening??? Hmmmm??? Mega purse or mini pouch???
And besides, can you see who stowed away in the satchel and will be makin appearances in some future Wisconsin posts?
I rest my case - - - the case of whomever may happen to have the oversized handbag.
Pam continued texting. (There MIGHT be a hint about the purse scenario in this photo - - - maybe)
Dad looks young and spry for his 81 years, doesn't he? And just check out those tanned legs. Man, once that guy started wearing bermuda shorts he's taken to them like a duck to water!!!
Well, the adventure is off to a great start. You'll be hearing more very shortly. We've got a few bloggy surprises up our sleeves, the first of which will appear here tomorrow.
Ta Ta For Now - - -
Wow! Your dad does look incredibly young! and I'm afraid the bear peeking out of your purse gave it away in the first shot!!!
I would have recognized your purse in a heartbeat - it's the one with Brunhilda and Borris!! Ooooh, I'm excited that they went on vacation with you.
Your Dad can't possibly be 81. You can't fool me.
Kristin - Goating you
Tell Dad his tan legs ROCK!! LOL
I Love a big bag too when traveling. Small bags are for trips to the grocery store only.
Your dad looks great! your purse looks great! YOu always inspire me!!
Dad looks amazing for 81, Pam does seem to have a tiny purse beside her, and you crack me up! I can only imagine the 'witty banter' in the car. Poor Dad....he's surrounded. And Turd F is a riot! I supposed you needed him to rest after all that rain they made you drive in!!! Meanies!
Looking forward to your next post you crazy woman!
I think I just saw a bear? and you know me. I know my bears :p
The purse is pretty obvious because of the little riders.
Sounds like fun, have a safe trip.
I think you should just carry a separate bag for all that extra stuff and keep your purse more manageable. I don't think it would be fun to tote that purse into a place to eat. If it fell over, it would take a long time to pick it all up LOL. Oh, I went off on a tangent and what I really wanted to say was HOW FUN TO VACATION WITH SISTER AND DAD!! Safe Travels.
Hey Looka da bear, looka da bear! Or is it the famous lesser yellow nosed badger?
My German friend also uses a titchy little handbag (what you calla purse. Our purse is the bit that holds the money and you can struff it in your pocket). Xhe's a teacher and for work carries a HUGE beat-up leather satchel which is completely stufffed with...well can only assume teachery things like a ball of string, a few paper aeroplanes, a Swiss army knife and a jar of Nescafe instant coffee. In her purse is.....her purse!
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