The other day for the Bloggerette Sorority "Rush" I posted a live remake of the bloggerette sistas photo. So many of you got a little chuckle out of that, the BEST picture of the lot, I thought you might get a downright LOL out of the outtakes.
Now Miss Cindy of Applestone Cottage, who has far more class, decorum, and grace than either Sister Pam or myself, didn't really want me to SHOW the outtakes to bloggyland.
Folks, I have groveled. I mean, I got down in the dirt, kissed her feet, and BEGGED. I told her it would be a barrel of fun. I told her we would be just plain SELFISH to keep all that laughing and giggling to ourselves when all of blogland would LOVE a good laugh on us.
She graciously gave me permission. She's just classy like that.
As you look at these, in your mind's eye picture me running up and down the steps between shots to reset the camera and get back in line.
So - - - without further ado here they are:
Oh good grief - - - it's a wrap!
Looks like you each have a strong problem with A.D.D. NOW PAY ATTENTION TO THE CAMERA FOR HEAVEN SAKES... lol
I love them all,but I think take 3 proves you were up to somethin'!
You're so funny Keetha!
Hehe, me more class? It was fun even the not so cute pics.
It's hard pretending like a camera is a human being (if you know what I mean). No one to say CHEESE to you!
Enjoy your trip you goofy gal you!
Hi Pam!
It's hard to get any three people to behave for pictures, especially when they're kids! Just kidding!
So fun! You look adorable too!
I signed up to follow your blog too! I am rolling on the floor laughing...well maybe just bent over the couch, but still, I'm laughing very hard at your out take photo's! I got to explore your blog a little and I really enjoyed it so far. I look forward to getting to know you, you're awesome!
too funny! You go girls!
Thank you Miss Cindy for allowing Keetha to post the outtakes, it was totally worth the smiles!!
Kristin - The Goat
Help!! where's that post where you fixed the format to get your tool bar back? ACK~
Beautiful ladies, no matter which way your heads are turned.
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