It's THAT time again!!!! Vintage Thingies Thursday over at Coloradolady and Thrifty Thursday at Bloggeritaville.

Be sure you click on both of the above icons or links to check out what everyone else is posting.
Because I am vacationing in the rich dark soil of my home state, where my roots run deep, I'm going to share some Wisconsin Thrifty Vintage thingies with you.
First for the THRIFTY part:

Utilize the wine rack in their vacation cottage!!!
(My friend Diane, who is vacationing with us,
Thought up this very clever plan!!)
Now for the Vintage Wisconsin Heritage part:

We Butcher cousins grew up on stories whose setting was right here - - - in this barn, on these hill sides, and in this valley. My mom had memories of playing on a "sand hill" behind this very barn. She also told the tale of falling in the milk cooler one evening when she was so tired she sat on its wall only to fall asleep and tumble in.
(A "milk cooler" back in THAT day was a large stone walled trough filled with icy spring water.)
Just down the road a piece from the farm was the little one room school house where mom and her siblings walked to school.

I'm glad you explained what a milk cooler is. I was visualizing your mother falling in a big vat of milk!
Don't you just love walking down memory lane? What a great way to use a wine rack...very clever indeed! Enjoy your time is beautiful!
What lovely farmland! I don't blame you one bit for walking down and taking pictures! I'm just glad they didn't have a big guard dog! Since I live in the same town I grew up in, I just drive around town to walk down memory lane! :)
What a pretty piece of land. Cute idea for the winerack.
You go girl!!! It belonged to you first anyway!!! How fun your travels are this summer to follow....What beautiful country.
Have a great VTT!
It was very fun to read your post today, and glad you marched right up for the schoolhouse snapshot! Thanks for sharing it with us!
I'm glad you got out of the car! Wonderful pictures of Wisconsin farmland and the one-room schoolhouse!
Glad you are out touring and enjoying the country side. My theory is get out and go while you can. Life is too short. Be careful.
Thanks for going to any lengths to get the picture Keetha! The farm is simply gorgeous, and must be stirring up all kinds of great memories.
Being big lovers of the Pringles, I love that idea to use the wine rack!
Happy trails!
So beautiful there! My husband's family milked cows when he was growing up in Wisconsin. I wish we would go around their old farm place sometime when we're visiting. It's such a special feeling to get back to your roots, isn't it?
I totally would have taken the same pictures!
I went to one-room country schools in Wisconsin until high school.
Awww Mom this is AWESOME! And now I have a mental picture to go with Grandma's poem about taking me to the sand hill.
Wonderful and beautiful photos. Thank you!
what a nice post and photos.. I love reading the story.. and scenery so beautiful! all so greeny.. Happy VTt
WTG on walking down that driveway to take pictures. Somehow, the idea of an important vintage building like this being used for a storage shed, just sorta irks me. Thank you for sharing your sweet memories..and happy VTT. Hope your weekend is lovely.
I dont drink wine, but I can sure put away some pringles. Its my fav chhip! I will have to do that trick! LOL!
But Keetha, these photos, the countryside....amazingly beautiful. It really stops me in my tracks and has me thanking God for such blessings as that. So beautiful! Thanks for linking up to Thrifty Thursday this week, my friend, on vacation no less. YOU ROCK!
Tales from Bloggeritaville
On Wisconsin, On Wisconsin, Grand old Badger State! Come by for a visit ! Cindy
what fabulous memories..i love the photos too :)
How wonderful that you could visit the home place! Enjoy the rest of your vacation!
I love the rolling hills of Wisconsin, but my favorite pic is of the wood pile along the side of the former school house. Wood piles were always part of my childhood.
Well heck, you could gone ahead and knocked on the door too! heehee.
Beautiful pictures!
Thanks for sharing.
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