I'm reposting this at the "top" of my blog - - - tomorrow is going to be the END of the guessing - - - so get your last guesses in the comments!!! You MAY guess again.
And there WILL be a winner.
I have noticed other bloggers celebrating and offering prizes for their 100th post, which begged the question, "Keetha, how many posts have YOU done???"
So - - - we are going to play the bloggy guessing game called, "How Many Posts Has Miss Keetha Made?"
There are, however, a few facts you might want to know to HELP you with your guessing:

2) This is my second blog, but since I only started it in an attempt to get MORE free blogger space, I'm counting the first one as part of this one - - - they really are one and the same, just with slightly different bloggy URLs and titles.
Later addendum: I DID delete some of my early posts on that first blog in an attempt to save blogger space. I have NO CLUE how many I deleted, so they will not count toward this guessing game.
(NO FAIR GOING THROUGH BOTH BLOGS AND COUNTING YOU LITTLE GOOSES) (I know it's supposed to be geese, but gooses is better in this context.)

4) This post counts as one of the posts in the guessing game, but any I post between now and revealing the answer will not count.
5) In case of a tie - - - two people guess the same number that is closest to the actual number - - - the FIRST guesser will get the prize.
6) Put your guess in the comments under this post.
7) I will decide when the contest is over, and at that time I will announce the winner.
8) The winner will receive a hand-selected, by me, prize from my beloved Wisconsin Northwoods which I shall pick out in the next two weeks while I'm up there on vacation.
9) Should the competition get fierce (overcrowding causes that you know) you may guess more than once if you so choose.
10) Make sure you leave contact information. If your blogger ID is linked to your blog or your e-mail that is enough. If not - - - MR. ANONYMOUS - - - you'd better leave me some info or I'll just keep your prize - - - 'cause that's the way we roll around here.
11) I reserve the right to change these rules in a very skinny minute - - - 'cause that ALSO is the way we roll around here.
OK - - - Ready? - - - Set! - - - GO!!!!
Later addendum: Oooooo girls - - - one of those guesses is really close!!! But which one? And is it over or under? Keep those guesses coming!
I'm LOVING all this guessing. No one has it "on the nose" yet - - - though someone is quite close. KEEP GUESSING.
Someone said 1953 - - - which WAS my BIRTH YEAR and the year Watson and Crick made the first working model of DNA!!!
Okay. I'll be first. My guess is 475. After all, you are a blogging machine.
I guess 750 give or take a few...
I Keetha.
My guess is 642.31947.
A billion? Nah, your elbows would look much worse. I can't get over those perfectly manicured nails my dear!
My guess is 999!
I will guess 800, though I have no clue...lol...
And every one new and different.
Jun06-now is 1085 minus weekends and holidays=929 posts???
I guess 1,025.
And the ones I have read have all been delightful! I enjoy reading your posts and laughing along with you, or travelling along with you. Keep it up!
You are so funny! I guess 322 posts! A gift from Wisconsin? You are a doll! Cindy
I guess 1087!!!!!
Connie N. is guessing there are 1,168. Could be more, but who has time to count? Enjoy the northwoods!
I'm giving my answer before I see any comments... 781
Whew. That was difficult!!
"Keetha, how many posts have YOU done?" We say ALL of them!! :)
Keetha, I am so bad, I have begun deleting old post that deal with giveaways, stuff that is not relavent. IN fact this weekend, I deleted about 40 post. To try and reclaim some useable space.
That being said, and knowing you love to blog like I do (which is how we found one another, cheering on fashion fiesta peeps and seeing one another at each one.)
Ok, my guess is 1149
LOve to my sista friend!
My number -- before reading comments -- is 747.
hi keetha, im here tonight and wanted to thank you for stopping by to visit me. With the herd being off school time to myself is limited. Wow!! you have been blogging for three years, that is a lot of blogging, you are such a riot, and always make me chuckle...lol okay my guess would be 562, im just throwing that off the top of my head.
Keetha, I'm the same way! Like it's so weird to type that - Hi Keetha!
My whole life I've known of two other Keithas, but as you can see, their names were clearly spelled wrong. :-)
Oh my-I have no idea! I'm going with 1120.
Have a great vacation!
I'm going with 1953... just cause I like that number!
1160 is my guess
hmmm wow this is hard lol. you probably didn't start out blogging as much as you do today. that being said, i still have no clue how many you've done. so my guess is 1234.
hummmmm... I was going to say 1000 but someone else just did... so I'll say... 1100...
I'm counting the one about the bovine in Michigan...
have a happy bloggy day...
You blog more than anyone else on my blog roll...more than I can keep up with! 987
Oh drat. I just realized for my first guess I was thinking two years, not three. Stuck in 2008, I guess. May I change my answer to 1121? Hope so...
when did you add the "later addendum"? i don't remember if i saw it the firs time i read this post...
Geez, so many rules!! I am going to guess....1145.
my guess is one more than this posting.
Angela Vardaman
1387? Is there a blogger limit? I'm gonna have to read up on that...
My guess is 1500...
Okay here is my guess: 1,150
My guess is 1089. DID I WIN!!!?
Hmmmm- 987
It is just a shot in the dark trying to guess anything on this. I will just give it my best shot, 2000.
My guess is 1095. :) I want you to know that I did MATH to do this. :)
My guess is 1,314 and I was very scientific in selecting that number- it is part of my phone number!
My guess is 942. I see your blogs on Jewel's page a lot and it is almost always towards the top with the most recent updates.
I menat to say - What a gorgeous Lappy you've got there! Hot red!!
I'll guess again...while I'm here. :)
I'm going with 832, and I must say that your manicure is lovely.
I put a comment in a couple days ago but I didn't put an actual number. SO I am guessing 824.
Angela Vardaman
I have no clue so I'm going with 456
1283 Why? It's just a guess.
I am absolutely a dunce at guessing Keetha so I won't even try!
if i make another guess does my first one still count as well? because i couldn't decide between two numbers the first time. my other choice was 1679.
1095. :)
I wouldn't have a clue really. I've only just come into the world of blogging! I'm going to go with 1063!
Hi there keetha, thanks so much for stopping over for a visit and for such kind words on my mini stool makeover. My husband isnt a teacher but he is a head custodian at one of our highschools and he too loves it when summer arrives and the kids are away from the school...lol Hope you are having a good tuesday!
Am I to late.... my guess is 1042 you know you had that one post years ago that you thought was really lame .. that really doesn't count .. gimmee the prize !!! ☺
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