Shortly after I took this picture, we went to visit my Uncle Arlan who's in a rehabilitation hospital, then we stopped for a very light supper, and now we are unwinding back at the hotel.
Another BIG day tomorrow!!!!
Welcome to Keetha's place. Come on in, kick off your shoes, and sip a latté. His grace is new each morning. (Late Summer Wisconsin Sunset - photo by Keetha)
You are having a priceless time with your dad! I loved the commode and the wooden box that brought the things from Germany.
I have nothing from the early family members and neither does my 83 year old mama!
Now I know why some call the potty the commode!
Some people collect shoes... some collect tractors. :)
Looks like you're having a great time. (And your dad does NOT look 80.)
Keetha!! Wow! How cool that you drove to Eau Claire through Osseo!! I am sooo jealous!
LOVE Doug's Allis-Chalmers collection of vintage tractors!! Very impressive.
We're John Deere only farmers... but I can sure appreciate his awesome collection!
And yes, AMEN to Wisconsin being God's Country!!
Those are some beautiful tractors! I really liked the pre-post that I saw in my reader :)
Your Dad doesn't look 80, that's for darned sure! Glad you have arrived and are blogging :)
Thanks for the photos. Did Doug have a clue that he was about to be famous in blogland? We used to be an Allis Chalmers family only until it got too hard to get parts on the QT. So slowly we have become JD people. And now my son is an engineer for JD, so I guess it was inevitable!
Thanks for taking us along for your trip! You're dad looks great!
No way, your Doug reminds me of my dad so much! He collects and restores antique tractors too! Dad is a retired dairy farmer. Your daddy looks great, enjoy him:)
yes... you are right Keetha.. when Ricky sees this, he'll be making that "tim the tool man" grunting noise...
now it's nice to know that when my blogger pals see tractors, they think of me! LOL
have a great July 4th... celebrate safely!
You are getting to be a world traveler. I think it is great and sharing good times with family as well. Wish I had someone that liked to travel and the time. I still get or and go, but not like I used to. You make everywhere you go such a fun time.
I remember seeing that Wisconsin sign many times. What they remind me of is the cheese. See we get these commercials here in California telling us that real cheese comes from California cows.
I know the truth because real cheese does come from Wisconsin! Where the cows really have a good life.
Your Dad looks awesome at 8o!!!
Love those antique tractors and the sugar shack at your cousins...enjoy your precious time alone with your Dad...you are blessed!
Drive carefully!
Hey, I don't see the indian head in the state's shape. Maybe I'm slow.
LOVE the tractors, that's sooo cool.
Tell Prof. Heavelin I said hello.
When you get time, I have an award for you.
OMG Keetha,
Yesterday I was about 40 miles outside Indianapolis and your in Eau Claire! I was supposed to be there today, but my staff meeting got cancelled! When you come by BRF next time, let me know!!!! Cindy
He looks FANTASTIC for 80!
Hope you're having fun!
Pretty good?! He looks fabulous!!
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