This morning before going to work, I got up and uploaded three pictures for a blog post. Then I ran out of steam.
Creative steam.
I sat here staring at the wordless post with no title and NOT ONE creative WORD would come to mind.
So - - - I made up a lack luster title, saved it as a draft, and went to work hoping my creative juices would flow when I got back home at lunch time.
Well - - - that's what I THOUGHT I did anyway!
Imagine my surprise when I used my little droid to open my e-mail at work and found 4 comments already on the "draft" which I had evidently PUBLISHED instead.
Well - - - you know who you're dealing with here.
I quickly reverted that published post to a draft until I could get home and work on it. SO - - - if you, like Sister Pam, have been wondering if YOU were crazy and just THOUGHT you saw that post - - - wonder no more, I'm the crazy.
Actually, I'm kinda glad it happened 'cause it gave me a much more fun/funny story to share than the little tidbits that are in the REST of this post.
Well, I assume it's vintage. We'll call it vintage-esque, shall we? It's made of somewhat faded cotton cloth and trimmed with white rick rack.
All washed up smelling fresh and new I think it's just the right touch for my ladder.
Looks like Fisherhubby has been up to his old tricks and poor little Beauregarde Bearski is "nekkid" again!!
One more SHOOT!!
In order to get this to publish a second time in the google follow list, I had to copy it to a new post and that means I lost those first four comments that were here.
Come on back, girls - - - speak to me AGAIN!
Pretty please???
It is rather fragmented
It's Friday.
So I'm joining Mrs. 4444 for this Linky party.
It's Friday.
So I'm joining Mrs. 4444 for this Linky party.
Keetha I am cracking up that I commented on your 'draft' funny. I love the apron and poor Bearski I think he needs some backup garments. hugs, Linda
Even though in my original draft comment I only spoke of Beau being nekkid and FH having a handle on the color scheme of the ladder, I did realized that the apron was a new addition to the kitchen ladder - and a very charming one at that. Brings back memories that I would consider vintage!
Keetha, I can only laugh. I SO know that "shoot".... oh yes, I do. I also fully understand the mocking blank screen and the need for WORDS to put on that screen.
I really like your kitchen ladder! I have a very rustic ladder on my front porch... no, not a porch it's a stoop. I like porches better. ANYWAY, I need to bring it inside and hang an apron on it! I like the way yours looks.
No go put some clothes on that bear ;)
Witty Banter?
Huh oh...
I'm just commenting to tell you I have a friend who sells vintage aprons (for under ten dollars) on Ebay. Her mom died, and I get the feeling mom was kind of a hoarder, and she's been going through mom's stuff ever since, and slowly adding it to her shop.
Fun stuff.
I hate losing comments. Don't we all blog for comments?
Oh yes, I do love you.
Hi!! I so enjoyed catching up with your recent posts!!! Love what FH does to tease you with your bear.....and really chuckled over him "working on/in the boat". When my hubs owned a bass boat, he spent hours working on it cuz it was a piece of junk...always something breaking on it. Mercifully, he finally sold it as it was a money pit. I tried to tell him he'd be money ahead getting a new one (his boat was old when he bought it), but he just sold it.
My friend Eloise pronounces her name as eh-low-eez. I've never heard it pronounced the way your friend's is....but I like it!
Are you on summer break from school? That's what I miss about teaching.....summer break, and Christmas break and Spring break, etc. :)
It was great "visiting" with you again!
This cracked me up because I have mistakenly published posts more times than I can count.
I want one of those ladders.
Some days we just don't know if we are coming or going...but at least we are here.
You know Miss Keetha, that if you were to just edit your original goof, the readers would have updated as well. I'm not sure it would show up as a new post, though, that I don't know.
I love that FH plays with that scarf and hides it in plain sight. What a hoot he is!! What a hoot.
Welcome to Friday Fragments! Nice to have ya :)
That is SO something I would do... it hasn't happened yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time... I mean, I HAVE accidentally published, but thus far, I've noticed and quickly deleted the post!
I love your kitchen ladder... I've been looking for one to use as a magazine rack in my powder room!
I am so glad you stopped by to visit me. You are funny! I have accidentally published a post 2x. Oh well we live and learn right?
Your fragments were fine-Welcome:)
Oh; I forgot..I collect quotes and I love yours. The first one about love and hate/darkness and light was Dr. Martin Luther King! One of my favorites:)
Your mind a blank?! Surely you jest! I was wondering what happened because on my blog listings your earlier post appeared, but then told me The Eclectic Company doesn't exist. I KNEW that wasn't so. I still can't get to Friday Fragments though.
What a cute post. I don't know if I ever told you, but every single time I open your blog profile to visit you, I smile back at your profile picture. You have such a beautiful smile.
I must be blind.....but I can't see Beau nekkid or not!
I really like the kitchen ladder.....but I'm REALLY expressed that you got 4 comments on a draft!!! :)
I've published stuff and later thought oh no! I need to take that down. But I haven't done this just yet. It's a matter of time, I know it. I love the ladder display, so cute. I love how Beau's scarf made it there.
All kinds of fragments are welcome :) Thanks for linking up.
I really like the ladder--It adds character, too! (yes, that's my word of the day, I guess).
I HATE it when I get a quick trigger finger on the publish button!
I've prepublished things by mistake too. Hate when that happens. Although, I did discover that if I go into edit and choose a published post, edit it and then choose the option to post it automatically, the comments will be included. Then you can go back and delete the first one that you accidentally published early. Give this a try by reposting one of your favorite posts from long ago.
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