Well, Kids Camp in my STATE anyway.
I spent last week being a counselor in a cabin of ten girls at Kids Camp.
That didn't last.
Here's what we had outside our cabin door ALL DAY LONG on Wednesday:
Not THIS chick. I curled up inside, as much as I could, and TRIED to stay warm. I found it very difficult to get warm with soaking wet socks and dripping jean hems.
Here's what some of the (anonymous) "penguins" did after they came in out of the cold, cold rain:

"Sundays in My City"
To which I am linking this post
Featured today is the northwoods of Wisconsin
Cold and wet is not my idea of fun! Kids can luckily enjoy most anything.
Groan! That sounds like a long, long week of serving the Lord. I hope He gives you Extra credit.
You get a gold star from us.
It should be forbidden with rain during camp... it would be practically very difficult of course, considering all the camps around the world - but still! :-D
It looks like a nice place though! :-)
Just wondering if the restroom building is in view in the picture showing the snack bar end of your cabin. I need to know how bad I should feel for you!
That sounds like my idea of miserable! Um, glad its over?
I have been swimming and fishing in that lake. The year my Dad and stepmom got married we vacationed there. It's not far from where I spent my summers at my grandparents (Poplar, WI). My Dad and stepmom now spend their summers at their cabin in Lake Nebagemon not far from there!
At least you were in a cabin. I generally sleep in my tent at scout camp. Not fun in weather like that. We can compare horror stories if I make it over in October for the Singer's reunion!
You're a very brave woman. It looks gorgeous and lush there, despite the cold.
So that's where you've been! Brave, brave soul! I hope we stay warm this week!
Looks like it was a fun roller coaster of a week. I went to a similar type camp once through my church and I have wonderful memories that came back to me by seeing these pictures. I was the camp photographer. It was so much fun.
Bless your heart! That sounds like the very definition of miserable to me! But you've mustered up a smile for the picture! You're a trooper!
We're under a heat advisory until tonight. The heat index is expected to be well above 100 today. So pleaes forgive me when I say that a high of 54 sounds SO GOOD about right now!
Just barely thawed lakes is a perfect description of the northwoods in early June. Just wait another 30-45 days. Then the heat will peak for a few days before the s*** flys again.
I'm sure they had a blast regardless of the weather.
Ugh, poor you. There's nothing worse than being cold than being cold *and* wet. Too bad you didn't have sunshine, either. But I bet you're a super fun camp counselor!
You are the bravest woman I know! I used to get (have) to go to outdoor science camp every year with my 6th graders--5 days of forced marches and beige food.
Would I volunteer for what you did? Um no.
Bless you for giving your time to these kids to learn more about MY AWESOME JESUS!
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