II do not quilt or sew, so when you see this post, you will know that I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY love my bloggy buddies who do!
Really - - - I'm all about facilitating your quilty addictions.
The other day, as we were returning home from the Northwoods we pulled into Osseo, Wisconsin to get a little midday repast at one of our favorite "waterin' holes."
But this post is NOT about that "waterin' hole." No indeedy.
As we parked our car, I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes!!! I've never seen this place before, but as soon as I saw it, I thought of all you, my quilty friends:
I did a little googling - - - just 'cause I love you all so much - - - and YOU TOO can take the tour here.
Notice those rates - - - they are for a group of 18, so grab your friends, come to Wisconsin, and take quilting camp together.
And the best part???? You'll get to see our beautiful state.
All I ask is that you let me know when you're coming so I can run over (in the car, duh I don't run) and say hello, 'cause I won't be joining the quilt-along.
Well, I have a little "project on the go" that will require some lovely Vintage Dry Goods - - - so I went in.
No - - - I shan't tell you what my "project on the go" is. I shall make you wait and wonder.
I SHALL tell you, that whatever my "project on the go" is, I "ain't a gonna" be the one sewing it!!!
(Notice: No one from either Camp Cotton OR The Quilt Yard paid me to advertise for them, nor did they approve of this message. Other than the nice lady who waited on me in The Quilt Yard, they do not even know I exist, nor do they care that I blog. Just so you know.)
One of my tenants has already made three or four queen sized quilts in the four months that they've been Jacksonville. I cannot imagine.
I'm sure the quilters would love this retreat!
Ahhhh, my MIL is a frequent visitor! Isn't that a cool spot?
Curious to what your making there my friend!
If I was a quilter I would sign up and come visit, but alas I'm not and so I won't! Maybe you can find me some good junkin places??
Thanks for that good information. I'm busy trying to make 17 friends.
Looks so cozy
Wow! Quilting is something I´m not sure I could manage - my sewing machine and I get along but I wouldn´t call us friends..! :-D
Really - so how far are you from Chicago then? :-)
I would love to be a quilter -- but except for one little baby quilt I've never attempted any. Maybe AFTER THE WEDDING.
Maybe I should have quilted a Mother of the Bride dress for myself. Yeah, that would be a good look.
Anyway -- I LOVE fabrics and fabric shops, and if I ever get back to Wisconsin (have been there twice, but long ago!) I'll hunt down this place, AND I'll hunt down YOU -- but I won't run you over. Oh ... you meant "run over" .... gotcha.
OK, now Never say Never! Doesn't that little pile of fabric and buttons say anything to you?
I don't quilt either but it sure looks like a nice place to shop:) Can't wait to hear about your "on the go project"!
Have a blessed day dear Keetha, HUGS!
Oh Keetha, we just got back from WI and after 5000 miles, I could do it all over again! So fun! Miss my beloved state already!
My sister & I drove by Camp Cotton and I told her about your post. I'm tellin' ya, these little rural towns hold unique treasures that the blog world needs to know about!
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