My city is Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin.
S _ _ _ _ _ is so slow in arriving on the Frozen Tundra of Central Wisconsin this year that I have STOPPED even saying that word. Seems that every time I say it - - - we get a little more s _ _ _.
True, it isn't sticking and piling up on the ground, or if it does it melts quickly, but even a die hard winter s _ _ _ loving gal like me is totally OVER it in mid May.
One of the FIRST things I saw, was my own shadow. Thank GOODNESS I'm not a ground hog - - - I'd HATE to scare s _ _ _ _ _ AWAY for ANOTHER six weeks.
And just beyond my shadow, do you see that gorgeous clump of white birch trunks?
I just EAT them up, especially in the late afternoon sun.
Is it Batman? A mal-formed bunny? A black cat sitting on the fence???
And that is a little stroll on a sunny s _ _ _ _ _ day in MY city!
What's goin' on in yours?
Ahh white birch trees, the icon of the northern woods. Glad to see no SNOW in your photos. You must have had those hot summer-like temps for a few days last week. Black squirrels are only in the far eastern portion of this state. We have grey and red ones running about.
I had never seen a black squirrel before, didn't even know there was such a thing. Wishing you lots of sunny days!!
happy s_____!
So glad you finally have some sun! Just wait, it's almost S-----! Then you can go s-------! Happy Sunday! I have never seen a black squirrel before!
Yes, S----- is always a long time coming up there! You know how we hope to retire in Phillips? Well I know that my love of gardening would be seriously tested. Probably can't plant anything 'til June, and by September there are probably frost warnings already!
Hi Keetha,
Thank goodness it is sunny today or I felt I might go postal or something! OK, just kidding but I am short on vitamin D.
Next week 70's and sun! Now that is more like it!
First off, I love all the shots of trees -- just lovely!
Secondly, I have never, Never, NEVER seen a black squirrel. Wow!
Happy Sunday!
I have NEVER seen a black squirrel:) It is cute! Hope your week will be filled with sunshine and blue skies AND those gorgeous trees! Have a blessed Sunday! HUGS!!
Our weather has been crazy here in GA too. We seem to have actually had a little more spring this year than usual...thankfully! We usually go rather quickly from winter to summer!!! We have had some almost 100 degree days but this upcoming week is supposed to be in the 80's. I'm loving that. I love my state but it seems to get hotter every year and I don't like the heat! Of course, I don't like extreme cold either!!! We have squirrels too but not black ones! Ours are brown and very aggravating!!!
I'm so intrigued by the black squirrel. The ones around here are mostly grey/brown.
We don't have any around here. I always think they are so fascinating. Illusive : )
Aha, that's where the California sun went! Lovely pictures, K. I especially like the last one. That's a HUGE squirrel. I thought it was a black cat.
Be well.
A black squirrel? New to me. We have brown squirrels in South Louisiana. Enjoy your S....... day.
It is raining here in Marion. Send some of that Sunshine down south
lol, that is one big a_ _ squirrel! lol!
Loved your _ _ words, so funny! Here in the cleveland area we've also received a dusting in May. But you guys have it a weeeeee bit colder and longer there than here. And mostly we skip spring altogether. It goes from like 45 to 85 and then that's it, lol. I enjoyed this, thank you.
what a great post, and thanks for visiting my blog too.
S***** has definitely arrived here, but the sun sure hasn't.
The black squirrel is cool.
I hope that S----- arrives soon, it is only fair, it feels like winter has hit here early and with a vengeance.
I love the pic of what I think is a bat-cat, perfect placement! Have a great and hopefully sunny week.
Huh, never heard of black squirrels!
Can't believe all that snow is gone and you have green grass already! Nature recovers so quickly.
I'm really diggin' the black squirrel, never seen one before.
I am enjoying the sights and sunshine with you.
Glad the sun is finally shining and things are turning green for you, though I know how much you love the winter.
It's been absolutely gorgeous around our parts. So refreshing!
Enjoy your summer!
What a pretty yard, it's like living in a forest (I'm sure a lot safer, no lions, tigers and bears. Oh MY!) but you do have black squirrels.
I sure hope it warms up for both of us soon. Each cold day reminds me we are getting closer to winter...not to be a kill joy. (-: we have a family of black squirrels too...they look so silky!
One of the homes that I lived in had a gorgeous paper birch in the front yard. The tree guy told us that it wasn't in a good spot and would probably die from the birch beetle or something like that, in a few years. I asked him if there was anything we could do and he said he'd spray the tree but the best thing to do was hug the tree to see if a beetle had started eating the wood under the paper bark layer.
I was seen hugging my birch all the time! I moved from that house in 1994 and the xboyfriend is still there and so is the tree! I guess it doesn't hurt to hug a tree.
I sure hope that you all haven't missed those May flowers!
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