What he doesn't know is, it wouldn't be s _ _ _ he'd have to brave in the warm months, it'd be MOSQUITOES, one of our "state birds."
Oh well - - - she is such a little cutie, I'm sure she's worth the sacrifice of surf and sun.
Welcome to Keetha's place. Come on in, kick off your shoes, and sip a latté. His grace is new each morning. (Late Summer Wisconsin Sunset - photo by Keetha)
Yes, any sacrifice he is making will be well worth it. She is precious. Trust he has a nice, safe trip.
Aw. Look at that smile! She is quite cute.
He has been bitten by the Carson bug!
Bwahahaha Mosquito a state bird! Love it. Where I live they release mosquito eating birds to help control the population.
Definitely worth it :) So sweet....
Who could resist a smile like that? So cute!!...Christine
She'd be worth traveling from the equator to the North Pole for!
Making wonderful memories... great photos!
She is adorable! And hopefully we will have beautiful weather by then and Florida will be hot and muggy!
Looks like a mutual admiration society to me. Very worth the trip! She's a little honey.
Yes, she's cutie alright! Even let's her play with the good cell phone. Wow. That's love. :o)
If she were my niece, I'd have to go! I just can't get of enough of them and mine are just in Michigan. I can't imagine how hard it would be to have family so far away. Your BIL is loving every minute of his visit, I'm sure!!
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