And moving.
Oh, not just the BLOG is moving - - - Fisherhubby and I are going with it too.
Right now we have a lot of this goin' on:

After that we'll have a couple of days for painting and carpet cleaning - - - then we're outa here.
I'm exhausted already - - - -
(Packing box photo from, box heads from, and ABF from
OH, Good luck Miss Keetha!
Moving is a pain and I am sure your sad in a way but you will have great fun in Wisconsin!
And I am sure your family will be coming up often to visit!
Hang in there,
Load em up and move em out! Good luck with the move and see you on the 'other' side.
Girl, just get your internet hooked up when you get where you are going 'cause you know I'll miiiiisssss you:) Hugs and rest if you get a chance!
We've moved 16 times in our married lives. I'm good at it, but do NOT want that written on my headstone. It's expensive and tiring and just plain a pain. So I can understand the 'box heads'.
I'll miss hearing your adventures until you are 're-hooked' up to the Internet.
Be safe, deep breaths, and keep laughing. It's the only way to get through it all!
The older I get the harder the move gets ... but it's a good purge, right? Hope it all goes well and don't work too hard.
You are my third blogger friend who is packing moving and unpacking today! Wishing you all the best in your new venture.
I am happy for you. I know this is what you have wanted for awhile. Moving is the pits tho. The only way I am going through it again, is when they haul me off. Do not over do it and be careful. Trust all goes well for you and you have a safe trip.
away you go.....blessings and prayers for safe travel, no unexpected surprises and lots of rest.
OOPS, I'm sorry Keetha!
Of course I had the pleasure of meeting you and I will fix that on my blog right now!
Moving is the pits and exhausting at that. We moved in 1998, 2000, 2004 and 2007. Eeks! Three of the moves we had movers do all the packing and loading, but it's still exhausting to the brain...and rather traumatic considering that each time was a 2,000 mile move.
Wishing you much luck over these next few days that things go smoothly for you.
Just think, when you are finished you will have clean closets! :)
If I was there I would help you both
What a nice way of moving, getting a trailer parked outside your house for a day or two so you can load your precious stuff personally. Over here you have to hire a 'baby' furniture van and pack it yourself OR hire a 'man with a van' then pack the boxes yourself and the man comes and loads up OR, if you're really rich, you go to a posh hotel while a big removals firm do the whole lot. You still have to arrange it in the new house though - or maybe get the staff to do it (tee hee).
(sigh) The best thing about it is the chance to downsize----for me, anyway. Plus the chance to live in Wisconsin.
But the process is lots of work and trouble.
I wish that picture was of you and Fisherhubby. They say that couples grow to look alike as they live together longer. Hee hee...
I do not envy you at all, but I am sending warm fuzzy thoughts your way!
It wasn't that long ago that we moved. I was so tired for a few weeks after it was over. Even though it had only been two years earlier that we had made another (exhausting) move, it was still tough.
Be kind to yourself (and stay off of stools). I praying that God will give you lots of energy!
*ahem* "I'm" praying :)
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